Meeting Date: 12/06/07 04:00 PM
Meeting Type: Regular
Location: Fuller Gate/Runyon Canyon
Details: 4:00 p.m. Welcome, Thank You’s and Introduction to P.U.P Project
To significantly decrease the amount of dog poop in the park
To increase public awareness about the importance of
picking up poop
HHWNC, GROWTH Foundation, Recreation & Parks, CD 4, Woman’s Club of Hollywood, Girl Scout Troop #3500, Hollywood PAL
4:05 – 4:10 Assign Teams
*Use packing tape to secure The Facts About Poop! flier on both sides of all green trash bins
(use diagram to locate bins)
*Post in kiosks at top and bottom
#2 Distribute fliers to dog walkers, talk about PUP Project to raise awareness
#3 POOP Patrol
* Walk through park picking up POOP throughout park
4:05 – 5:45 Teams complete assignments
The Youth Development, Education, & Recreational Resources Committee met on December 6, 2007 in Runyon Canyon from 3:30 p.m. until 5:45 p.m. Twenty people attended. Participating organizations included GROWTH Foundation, Hollywood PAL, and Recreation & Parks. We talked with dog walkers about the issues P.U.P project addresses, passed out fliers, secured “Deposit Poop Here” signs to all park trash cans, and passed out biscuits to any dog that wanted one. We didn’t want them to feel like we were picking on them! The event was a successful ‘Round 2’ of P.U.P. Our group will convene monthly to expand the P.U.P project.