Do you have concerns about parking, traffic, trash, park maintenance or other issues that you’d like to see the city address at Runyon Canyon Park? Councilmember David Ryu (CD4) has initiated a study by Dixon Resources Unlimited to improve access, mobility and other issues in and around the park. Please join us for a report...
Qualifications to VOTE:
Stakeholders who live, work or own real property in the neighborhood and also to those who declare a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder, defined as a person who affirms a substantial and ongoing participation within the Neighborhood Council's boundaries and who is 18 years or older.
Runyon Dixon 2nd Update Flyer In March of last year, the Los Angeles City Council approved funding for a study of park access, safety and mobility in and around Runyon Cyn Park to be undertaken by Dixon Resources, overseen by CD4. Please join us for this update and discussion of next steps (CD4 Rep).
To discuss the Hollywood Community Plan