Meeting Date: 10/19/04 07:00 PM
Meeting Type: Regular
Location: ARCO Junior Achievement Center
6250 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
(323) 957 1818
Details: Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
Traffic, Public Transportation and Parking
Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 7-9pm
Location: ARCO Junior Achievement Center
6250 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
(323) 957 1818
1. Sign-in, distribution of speaker cards and introduction
2. Presentation by chair on transit history and current status of mobility improvements.
3. Review of 101 corridor, Highland Ave. jurisdictional transfer
4. Statements by officials present.
5. Statements by speakers with cards
6. Open discussion
7. Adjournment
Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
Traffic, Public Transportation and Parking Committee
Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 7-9pm
Junior Achievement Center
6250 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
Meeting was called to order at 7pm, and agreement was made that the meeting would take an informal structure, and was held as an open discussion. Present were the chair, Jon Hartmann, Michael Meyer, President Dan Bernstein, Eileen Peterson, Howard Strem, Anthony Deckoff, and Erik Sanjurjo from the Office of Councilman LeBonge.
1. Discussion began with mention of the Mobility 21 Conference, and the need to interface with such organizations; Street closures and the 101 corridor were discussed. A survey requested by Councilman LeBonge revealed a positive majority vote only on the need to expand Red Line service.
VOTE: six in favor of rail expansion, none against
Questions on expansion of parking meter hours and fines for red light violations could not receive majority votes.
VOTE: three in favor of hour expansion, three against
VOTE: three in favor of higher red-light violation fines, three against
2. The current funding source limitations countered discussion on the need for rail service expansion. Chair made presentation on the potential use of the Chandler median in Burbank as a link between Metrolink and the Red Line. Contact with the City of Burbank is suggested.
3. Discussion was held regarding the lane width of Fountain Avenue, and the need to regulate parking and/or widen lanes.
4. Primera Avenue is used as a by-pass when Cahuenga East and Barham are congested, creating a dangerous situation; statements made by participants included mention of no-turn signs posted for specific hours.
Date for next meeting discussed, agreed to November 16, 2004
Meeting adjouned 9:00pm