Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council

 Standing Rules

Adopted by HHWNC Board March 16, 2016


Purpose of Standing Rules

The Purposes of any Standing Rules are to provide rules and to establish procedures for the conduct of HHWNC’s business when rules and procedures are not provided in HHWNC’s Bylaws.


Committee Meetings

These general guidelines for committee meetings apply to Area Committees, Issue Committees, the Planning, Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee and Ad Hoc Committees.


Conduct of Meetings

HHWNC Board members shall try to conduct the Council’s business in a respectful and courteous manner.  They shall conduct meetings in a manner that encourages stakeholder involvement and free expression regarding public issues.


Required Meetings  

The HHWNC Bylaws require that Area and Issue Committees meet a minimum of four times per calendar year.  Each Committee Chair is responsible for preparing  meeting agendas and meeting minutes.  The Committee Chair is also responsible for having meeting agendas and meeting minutes of all meetings posted on the HHWNC website and sending emails to the Committee stakeholder list to provide notice of any upcoming meetings to those stakeholders.

In the case of meetings held jointly by more than one Committee, each Committee Chair shall be credited for having held a meeting.  The Committee Chairs shall decide amongst themselves who will prepare and post the meeting agenda and meeting minutes.

If a Committee Chair organizes a community event involving HHWNC stakeholders, the Committee Chair shall be credited with having held a “meeting” for the purposes of complying with the HHWNC Bylaw requirement to hold at least four meetings per calendar year.


Meeting Cost Guidelines

Committee meetings shall be held within HHWNC’s boundaries in an ADA accessible public location unless the Department permits otherwise.  Committee Chairs may purchase and/or be reimbursed for the cost of meetings with a maximum budget of $200 per meeting.  This guideline applies to individual or joint Committee meetings.  Committee Chairs should strive to hold meetings in locations that do not charge a fee.  If a Board member has materials photocopied for a meeting and charges the expense to the HHWNC account at the copy store, they shall inform the Treasurer of the charges by email and shall provide the original receipt for such copy charges to the Treasurer at the next Board meeting.


Motions Forwarded to HHWNC Board

If a Committee passes a motion that is intended to be forwarded to the full Board for action, the Committee Chair shall submit the motion to the President for consideration to be put on the next Board meeting’s agenda.  The Committee Chair shall provide a tally of the vote of stakeholders on the motion at the Committee’s meeting, and provide appropriate supporting materials (e.g., location map, description of proposed action, event or activity, amount of funding requested) so that the Board’s members are provided with information about the motion’s specific provisions.


Planning, Land Use Management Committee


Purpose of the PLUM Committee

The role of the Planning, Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee is to review planning and land use matters within the boundaries of the HHWNC and to make a recommendation to the Board with regard to such matters.  This includes advising the Board on positions related to all requests for discretionary agency action, which include, but are not limited to, variances, conditional use permits, zone changes, certification of environmental clearances (including exemptions, mitigated negative declarations and environmental impact reports) and development applications.



All of the PLUM Committee members shall be members of HHWNC’s Board and shall include the First Vice President as well as Committee Chairs for:






If any of these Committee Chairs choose not to serve on the PLUM Committee, the President may appoint another Committee Chair to serve on the PLUM Committee.

The Area Committee Chairperson(s) representing the area(s) in which any item on the agenda is located, is(are) encouraged to attend the PLUM Committee to present the feelings of the Area Committee stakeholders and shall have a vote on the PLUM Committee for that agenda item.


Committee Structure (Chair/Vice Chair)

The Chair of the PLUM Committee shall be the HHWNC First Vice President.  The PLUM Committee shall elect a Vice Chair, who shall chair the PLUM Committee if the Chair is absent or unavailable.


Other Standing Rules


Voluntary Tasks

At a newly elected Board’s first meeting or at the start of each calendar year, the President shall ask Board members to volunteer for the following duties: (1) Arranging refreshments at Board meetings, (2) Overseeing posting of items on HHWNC’s website, (3) Posting of Board meeting agendas on public sites, such as bulletin board, (4) going to HHWNC’s mail box to pick up, read, and inform other Board members about the mail which HHWNC receives.  At the first meeting of a newly elected Board or at the start of each calendar year, the Board members who have successfully completed the Department’s Treasurer training course and who are eligible to serve as a second signatory on Demand Warrants shall also be identified and approved by the Board.


Eligibility to Act as a Board Member

The Parliamentarian shall maintain a list of Board members and the dates of their Ethics and Funding training completion and shall determine Board members’ eligibility to vote at HHWNC Board meetings.
