In Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council Area 3, Thomas Safran & Associates’ application to the City’s Planning Department is hoping to build a six story, 77’ high building with 68 affordable senior housing units and one unit for a building manager, which would rent at the market rate. The new building would be The Montecito II, and would be adjacent to the existing Montecito, which is on the National Register of Historic Places as well as similar California and LA lists of historical places. The Hollywood earthquake fault line is either under or near the site of the proposed project, which would supplant the existing building’s garden and part of the current parking lot. The new building also would provide subterranean parking for cars and bikes.

The City Planning Department’s case nos. are CPC 2017-1503, CPC 2017-1504 and AA 2017-1505. The CA CEQA no. is ENV-2017-1`504-EAF.

Below are links the planning documents Safran & Associates have graciously provided.




Feffer Geo Fault Report for Montecito Apartments (FINAL)[1]



Traffic Assessment

Department of Transportatin Memo to City

