
Meeting Date: 3/14/24 12:00 am

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88036783712

There will be a joint meeting with the Planning and Land Use Management committee and Area 1 Committee to discuss the proposed ED-1, 68-unit apartment development. The project address is 3446 Floyd Terrace, which is parallel to Barham Boulevard on its Northwest side.

The meeting will take place over Zoom Thursday, March 14 beginning at 6:00 PM

The full agenda, with a summary of the project can be found by clicking on the “Agenda” button above.

The meeting will be held over Zoom online, or by telephone.

Dial +1 669 444 9171 to Join the Meeting
Then Enter This Webinar ID: 88036783712# and Press #
