Meeting Date: 06/27/07 06:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Will and Ariel Durant Library
7140 West Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, 90046
(The Library is located one block west of La Brea on Sunset Blvd.)



Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 27, 2007, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
This is a joint meeting of the Infrastructure and Traffic Committees.

Location: Will and Ariel Durant Library
7140 West Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, 90046
(The Library is located one block west of La Brea on Sunset Blvd.)

There is free parking lot in rear and street parking, and it accessible on Sunset DASH and MTA lines.

Light food will be provided so RSVP would be helpful to

Thanks to our new Traffic Chair, the Infrastructure Committee will finally have this joint meeting our members have been requesting for years! Infrastructure Committee members can all tell our new Traffic Committee what we in Infrastructure have been doing in this area over the years of changes and vacancies on the Traffic Committee and how happy we are that they are up and running and helping our neighborhood improvement in this area!

Because this is a joint meeting of the Infrastructure and Traffic Committees and we have limited time before we all must vacate the library, we will use the Traffic Committee Agenda, already posted, which follows below.


Meet & Greet (6pm)

1. Call To Order (6:15pm sharp)

2. Minutes – Review and Approval of the previous meeting minutes.

3. Chairs’ Report

a. Claire Guy, Chair, Infrastructure Committee
b. Wayne Johansson, Chair, Traffic Committee

4. Subcommittee Reports

a. Traffic: Congestion (Wayne Johansson)
b. City Public Parking (Scott Anderson)
c. City Traffic Services (Michael Meyer)

5. Old Business

6. New Business

7. Public Comment / Announcements

8. Adjournment

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Wayne Johansson at 6:26pm.

2. Minutes – Review and Approval of the previous Traffic Committee meeting minutes
A stakeholder moved to approve the minutes from the last minutes. A stakeholder seconded the motion and it was passed by a unanimous vote in favor of the motion 6 to 0.

3. Chairs’ Report
a. Claire Guy, Chair, Infrastructure Committee
(1) Claire Guy discussed the lack of integration between the rail system and the bus system. She gave a history of the Infrastructure Committee and their dealings with such integration. She expressed desire for getting more shuttles to help integrate the different systems. This is an ongoing issue in Hollywood and Los Angeles as a whole and hope is that as work is continued on this it can help relieve some of the traffic issues.

b. Wayne Johansson, Chair, Traffic Committee.

(1) Wayne Johansson talked about the informal Road Closure Committee under the guidance of Eric Garcetti’s office, Council District 13. He stated that they would be meeting on July 5, 2007 at Hollywood City Hall on Fountain and Wilcox. Stakeholders are welcome to attend as observers. The hope is to discuss a variety of issues dealing with traffic closure issues which are contributing to Hollywood traffic issues.
(2) Wayne Johansson also briefed the committee on a recent CD 13 workshop on parking. The feeling is that Hollywood has more of a parking management issue that a parking space issue. The relative inexpensive cost of on-street parking is contributing to the traffic congestion. Things mentioned were, street parking and increasing the parking rates as well as hours.

4. Subcommittee Reports
a. Traffic: Congestion (Wayne Johansson)
Wayne Johansson expressed his hope to have a meeting set up by the beginning of August that would address the topic of cut through traffic, and congestion.

b. City Public Parking (Scott Anderson)
Scott Anderson was not present. Wayne Johansson discussed this topic. The majority of the city budget for parking structures is consumed by the Hollywood & Highland parking center. Limited parking in Hollywood is a major issue. The present stakeholders felt strongly about this topic and decided it was worth pursuing. Some of the ideas that were brought up included: raising meter rates and using the revenues to build parking lots, being sure that funds were used in the area where they were collected; modernizing meters to smart meters; utilization of used spaces in Hollywood. It was agreed that there is a need for more lots, but not a way to go about getting the funding for such.

A stakeholder moved to request CDs to enforce zoning regulations regarding parking at businesses in the area. A stakeholder seconded the motion. The motion was passed by a unanimous vote of in favor of the motion 6 to 0.

c. City Traffic Services (Michael Meyer)

Michael Meyer stated that LADOT does not see traffic management as a priority. They have one employee that does traffic management and it can take longer than a year just for her to hear about your area’s issues. He also stated that LADOT has a rotating staff, people are always changing jobs and it is hard to keep track and one continually is restarting on the same issue many times because of this.

Michael Meyer moved that a letter be written by the NC to the DOT General Manager and cc the Mayor stating that the neighborhood traffic management programs be of a higher priority and staffing level are increased to the point that request can be responded to with the timely manner of 30 days and that the back log of neighborhood traffic management plans be shortened to the point that they can essentially develop one for each neighborhood that requested it within 6 months. The motion was seconded by a stakeholder and was passed unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0 in favor.

5. Old Business

No old business

6. New Business

No new business

7. Public Comment / Announcements

A stakeholder raised a concern regarding night time traffic control on weekend nights, especially those which have events at the Hollywood Bowl. The same stakeholder moved to ask CD4 and CD13 to request that LADOT staff the intersections of Hollywood and Highland and Sunset and Highland with a traffic control officer on Friday and Saturday evenings from 10 pm until 2 am. A stakeholder seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously with a 7 to 0 vote in favor of the motion.

Claire Guy made an announcement that we are into the 90-day comment period of the DWP rate hikes and that it appeared to DWP/OSC members that rate hikes will go into effect.

Claire Guy also mentioned that on July 11, 2007 she will have a meeting at the Durant Library regarding funding for pocket parks. She will mention the DWP again at that time.

A stake holder raised concern/suggestions of traffic on Orange from Sunset up to Hollywood.

8. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.
