Meeting Date: 09/23/14 06:00 PM
Meeting Type: Regular
Location: Yucca Community Center
1.) Call to order
2.) Approval of July 24, 2014 minutes
3.) Follow up and results of Area 3 stakeholder quality of life discussion and questionnaire.
4) 1751 Las Palmas: Ariel Gutierrez, the applicants representative will present plans and requests for variances and changes to a 23 unit apartment building already under construction. Changes include; increase height by adding a sixth story, reduced front and side yard set backs. A public hearing for 1751 N. Las Palmas is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24, 2014 12:30 p.m. at City Hall. Project application is posted on the HHWNC website-Plum Committee page
5.) Yucca Community Center is requesting the amount of $200.00 which will be used towards the purchase of refreshements (hotdogs, drinks, candy) at their upcoming Halloween event. Yucca Rec’s Halloween event will take place at Yucca Rec on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 6671 Yucca Street.
Motion: The outreach committee supports bringing to the full board the request by Yucca Community Center for $200.00 to purchase as food and drinks for their Halloween event.Motion and Vote
6.) Public Comments: comments from the public on agenda items and non-agenda items within the Committees' subject matter jurisdiction.
7.) Decision on next meeting date
II. Approval of July 24, 2014 minutes: Stakeholder moved to approve revised minutes, seconded. Approved by unanimous vote.
III. Area 3 Planning and Land Use
- 1751 Las Palmas: Ariel Gutierrez, Patra Julim Asustra and the applicant presented plans and requests for variances for changes from 23 unit condominums to 24 unit apartments. Building already under construction. Variance for height change is no longer being sought because it would require a new EIR. But yard set backs are being sought. A public hearing for 1751 N. Las Palmas is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24, 2014 12:30 p.m. at City Hall.
- Owner stated that variance was being asked because originally permitted for 23 condos. 24 apartments requires the variance.
- Council District 13 has reviewed and asked for wood and more open balconies.
Q: Stakeholder commented on ability to see scale in renderings made it difficult to see this large of a building in the neighborhood.
A. Not builiding up to the next door building’s property line. Set back is the same as the existing footprint, but because converting from condo to apartment, need the variance. Stakeholder also added to comment that setbacks were also needed for open space and keeping the look and feel of Los Angeles. - Q: Stakeholder questioned color palate choice. Not flowing with structural flow of Hollywood. Also commended project for protecting traffic flow.
Q: Stakeholder “Is height going to stay the same.”
A: Converting designation of the loft to that of a two floor apartment. -
Q: Stakeholder “what will be on the roof?”
A: Only flat. - Project representative: design is based on what else the Council District says is the “New Hollywood.
- Stakeholder Comment: The “New Design” is not based on Hollywood, Beaux Arts, Spanish Colonial, etc.
- Stakeholder Comment: Open balconies are often used as storage, which doesn’t help the neighborhood. Encourage closing the balconies.
- Stakeholder Comment: Lower balconies have been a security problem in the area, allowing entrance from first floor balconies.
- Stakeholder Comment: Will there be security cameras on the outside, as well as interior. Project: Yes, they can put security cameras on the outside.
- Stakeholder Comment: From past applications, this was a condominum project:
- Stakeholder concerned with what actually the project is going for, so down the line, we don’t hear something different. Project: ultimately, they will be looking for condos.
- Stakeholder Comment: How much influence does the Council District have? Project: they took all the community.
- Stakeholder Comment: What does the community get for giving up space? Contributions to Arts in the area? A: The project is providing landscaping around parking structure to hide it.
- Stakeholder Comment: How many family units? A: All twenty-four apartments will be two bedroom.
- Stakeholder Comment: How much will the units cost? A: Don’t know until it is built and market rates are looked for.
- Because of the timing before the hearing, minutes will be sent to the Zoning Administrator.
IV. Community Outreach
Community Outreach Chair put forward motion: Outreach Chair supports that Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council approve a contribution of $200 to the Yucca Community Center for refreshments for their upcoming Halloween community event, October 30, 2014 at 6671 Yucca Street. In return HHWNC will be listed as a co-sponsor on the flier and have a table at the event.
Discussion: Yucca Rec is asking financial assistance for hot dogs,etc. Ask based on 200 people that participated last year. Party on Oct 30, because Hollywood Blvd closed.
Motion seconded. Passed unanimously.
V. Public Comments: comments from the public on agenda items and non-agenda items within the Committees' subject matter jurisdiction.
New outreach cards were distributed. Looked great.
Area 3 is getting tagged alot. Text MyLA311 will respond quicker than phone.
Mentioned that anytime projects present, they have to notify stakeholders within a 500 foot radius. Stakeholder: Any project effects us. HHWNC Plum will post any projects. Area chairs send out agendas and emails with links to the project.
VI. Decision on next meeting date(s):
October 21, 2014; and November 17, 2014.
VII. Adjournment:
7:07 PM