Meeting Date: 07/25/04 07:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: California Cantina
3311 Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood Hills, CA 90068

Details: Dinner, Dessert, and Beverages provided the entire night!

1.0 Call to Order (1 min)
2.0 Approval of Agenda (2 min) / Vote
3.0 Minutes (Draft) (5 min)
4.0 Announcements: June 29, 2004 Election Results (5 min)
5.0 Business (100 min)
5.1 Welcome (2 min)
5.2 Opening Remarks from Chair (5 min)
5.3 Introductions (5 min)
5.4 Overview: History of Neighborhood Council (5 min)
5.5 Review of Brown Act (5 min)
5.6 Overview of Meeting Protocols (5 min)
5.7 Review Mission Statement (5 min)
5.8 Review Past Activities / Needs in Community (10 min)
5.9 Open Discussion of Potential Goals, Proposed Activities, and New Ideas (20 minutes)
5.10 Planning Discussion: Block Parties, Social Gatherings, Workshops, Charities, Mixers, Lectures, Guest Speakers, Dances, Joint Fundraisers, etc. (10 min) / Vote
5.11 Timelines / Potential Dates (5 min) / Vote
5.12 Discussion/Revisions of Annual Mission Statement (5 min) / Vote
5.13 Recommendations to Board (5 minutes) / Vote
5.14 Committee Nominations (10 min) Vote
5.15 Public Comment/Debrief (3 min)
6.0 New Business (5 min)
7.0 Next Meeting – TBA (1 min)
8.0 Adjournment (1 min)

Community Development, Networking and Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes

Present: Theresa Larkin/Chair, Peter D’Alessio, Mark Workman, Lynne Hendel, Ken Roeder, Marcie Boyles, Wilson Bell, Claire Guy, Erik Lords

Location: California Cantina
3311 Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood Hills, CA 90068

1.0 Call to Order
7:52 Motion WB, Second KR – Passed by all

2.0 Approval of Agenda
Motion KR, Second WB – Passed by all

3.0 Minutes
Theresa Larkin was unable to locate former committee minutes from previous meetings. Should we have a professional minute taker? Why aren’t minutes on the website?

4.0 Announcements
6/29 was when the elections occurred; 1/2 the board was elected new; WB gave an overview of Committee 3 (Cultural, entertainment, etc.).

5.0 Business

5.1 Welcome – TL welcomed and introduced herself to committee and recapped actual election; involvement in San Pedro NC, committed to making the committee a success.

5.2 Opening Remarks from Chair – Wants to make a difference in the city, consider reviewing mission statement, critical we accomplish a lot tonight so we can earmark budget money for Committees 2 and 3; deadline for approval of our mission/projects is for General Meeting on 8/5/04.

5.3 Introductions – TL recommended that each member introduce self and eventually create a narrative bio about self, with the encouragement that all committee members should be visible.
Request that each member explain intended involvement and introduce who you are:
MB – Just became involved, worked with the census, and believes in building the community.
CG – Chair of Infrastructure Committee, newly involved; Attorney, former Political Science Professor; happy to be here.
WB – Chair of Creative Resources/Entertainment Committee; became involved on 6/29 meeting, wants to see more people excited and involved; Actor, computer consultant.
LH – Became involved 6/03, was on 2 committees last year (Outreach and Entertainment); wants to help two committees work together; advised we shouldn’t take on too much or we will become paralyzed; wants to also see the community involved more; website made HHWNC easier to understand and more accessible.
MW – First Meeting, Restores films for a living.
KR – President, Board of Directors at Hollywood Church of Religious Science; became involved via Area 7 committee. Church space available for the community but he is not here as a rep of the church; politically involved, former President of Homeowner’s Association; only positive things so far about HHWNC.
PD – Producer, Casting Director, Actor, Member of Hollywood United Methodist church and SAG; politically minded, civically motivated, all people should be heard, member of Area 3 Committee, Outreach and Infrastructure.

5.4 Overview: History of Neighborhood Council – TL read Mission Statement from the Bylaws of HHWNC; Mission Statement is on website along with By laws; Purpose – NC will promote more neighborhood involvement. NC’s are self governing (all this info on website). TL merely recapping as an FYI for the committee: We are grassroots organizers and lobbyists. See website at, hotline number – find out.
Full text of what TL read to committee is available verbatim on website.
WB – Idea of being megaphone/link to government. He wants us to lobby so we should all reach out to our own community, building, etc. We can then feed information and goals back to committees for discussion. Informing people will motivate them to possibly become involved. We can serve as a conduit to other committees and the board, and we can provide feedback on all issues so people feel they are being heard.
MB – One more person from each building makes a difference in the elections; was amazed by low turnout; mailing list is a good tool.
TL passed out copies of brochures about HHWNC.

5.5 Review of Brown Act – TL explained Brown Act, attended meeting for Brown Act. Advised that we can’t be factionalized body; no triangulated conversations–we can speak to each other; quorums are 5; meeting posted 72 hours in advance; agenda must be submitted to Secretary; and we can’t speak to large groups without prior authorization from board. President doesn’t have to approve agenda but it does need to be submitted to Secretary. Communications must be maintained in most professional manner possible; we must adhere to a code of cordiality. Venice is the example of a NC gone badly. We are vested because we want to contribute. People need to feel welcome from the beginning, in all meetings, etc. Brown Act will keep everything transparent and prepared in advance. Our mandate is empowerment; NC’s are mandated to work within its own environment, with the Executive Board facilitating us.
CG – Two questions, Quorum is 5, right (Yes?).
TL – Yes. Explained that setting up factions is not good, we must remain professional at all times.
Ad Hoc committees can’t be more then six people.
CG – The board currently are the only ones who have access to administrative decisions (The Executive Committee).
WB – Explained this issue could be addressed later and that certain info is privy to the board only, feels structure is sound and fair.
TL – Responsibilities trickle down. We are not a hierarchy. We must have things posted at 5 designated locations 72 hours in advance, and the agenda will always go directly to the Secretary.
(Erik Lords arrived at 8:34 pm)
WB – Will we return to 72 hours vs. one week?
TL – Dan wants agenda ahead of time in order to approve it. TL then spoke with Secretary. So, 72 hours is the appropriate time frame for it to be posted in advance.
WB – If we can manage the posting then we should make sure it is posted in all the 5 designated places in the city. If not posted – the meeting will not be counted as official, hence nothing can be voted on, or anything actually accomplished.
TL – 72 hours is fine. If Volunteers can’t post, we all can work together.
WB/TL – No one but Executive Board can speak to large groups and/or media.
WB – There is no speaking to certain groups without prior authorization.
TL – We can setup sponsorships, etc.

5.6 Overview of Meeting Protocols – Everyone should have looked at Bylaws on website. TL provided a 3 page copy of Robert’s Rules of Order, with a note that all info provided will help us run meetings more smoothly-
TL – Briefly gave overview of Robert’s Rules (RR). RR was created so people are comfortable. RR works well with establishing an environment of cordiality–a necessary part of the Bylaws for NC’s. It is recommended that meetings should run 1.5 hours, (minutes should be sent to HHWNC Secretary within one week). Motions should not be made by Chair. Main point of Parliamentary Procedure – must be motioned and then a second, then a discussion must happen. Our committee will be well educated and aware of policies and procedure. Suggestion offered that we should we create a mock meeting so we are all comfortable with RR protocols. After discussion, question called, then vote.
PD – Can we have the Exec Board vote by roll call instead of by voice?
WB – If murky, call vote by roll call.
TL – It’s up to Chair to call the vote as they fit.
PD – Would like to see exact votes recorded
WB – Is it clear?
TL – Read specifics from page 2 of handout. Always move in the positive, Chair should lead the motion, time limits should be specified, and discussion must be allowed to continue.
PD – If someone wants an issue to be brought to vote by EC, how does it happen? (This question is regarding roll call votes and time limits). Our committee concerns should come first. How do we bring these issues to the board?
TL – We vote on it, and then the Committee Chairs (WB, TL, and CG) can bring it to Exec Board for vote or as a motion. We have to honor time limits we create.
WB – Read ‘Voting on a Motion’, depends on the situation and Bylaws of the organization. Is vote by voice in by laws?
PD – If people are accountable for their votes from Issue Committees, are Area Committees through the Executive Committee? – How do we will know where they stand?
TL – NC’s create their own productivity and success.
CG – Committee Meetings minutes must be turned over to Secretary in 20 days by Committee Chair.
WB – Administrative agenda items can be by voice, issue votes by roll call.
EL – By budget?
TL – Budgetary is a good idea.
PD – General Election Meeting was not well run.
TL – Everyone should be informed (it’s a service).
TL -I am on the Ad Hoc committee for elections, but the meeting has not yet called.

5.7 Review Mission Statement – TL read out loud the current Mission Statement of our committee currently on the HHWNC website and then the mission she authored for our consideration. Should we change mission statement? EL likes TL’s mission statement. TL’s goal was to make it clear that we can do all of these things. She wants mission statement to galvanize committee. The suggestion was made that we discuss revising mission statement in 5.10.

5.8 Review Past Activities/Needs in Community: TL-We had an Easter Egg Hunt, float was discussed, table/kiosk at Hollywood Event, Bar BQ was scheduled and cancelled – do we want to reconsider that idea? Parade floats would be fun. CG – Can we afford it? PD – Yes, sponsorships? MG – Let’s consider Sunset Junction (Sunset/Santa Monica Blvd.). TL – will call PD with specific event details for above Hollywood event. WB – Bar BQ was a surprise to him, notification is key, we should consider neighborhood reach outs at grocery stores, churches, etc. TL – Our job is to get the word out. What is our PR Firm doing? Why do we not have articles in LA Times and Locals? We should have banners in grocery stores. Local vendors may not be vested. CG – They are stakeholders as business owners. MB – General meeting was hectic and she was dismissed. LH – Is this our job or the job if the Executive Committee? TL – we need to get word out, how do we do this, banners? Alliances? Ambassadors? PD – Apartments/Groups/Churches. CG – WE cover entire HHWNC, not just areas. KR- A speakers’ bureau is a good idea. TL – Suggested that we create a PowerPoint presentation. WB – Will Executive Council support us? TL – We have the right to do that.

5.9 Open Discussion of Potential Goals, Proposed Activities, and New Ideas

5.10 Planning Discussion: (Below ideas are just discussion starters)
Block Parties – Do we want to do a Bar B Q? Call it HHWNC parties.
Social Gatherings – rather, call them Socials.
Workshops – KR – What kind? TL – Parliamentary Procedure, Theater Pieces, Grassroots Organizing. WB – Would like them to be contingent upon what we do. KR – Grassroots/How to effect change – what will attract people to the HHWNC and make them effective. They can have influence. TL – Orientation workshops. PD – Who we are, why we are, how you can become involved, etc. TL – We can become the guiding group/conduit to educate others.
Charities – TL partnerships/sponsorships, PD – create alliances through volunteerism vs. financial support.
Mixers – TL – With organizations, social environments, theater events, etc. WB – We need to prioritize. CG – Really likes mixers. PD – We should attend all events, work with apartments complexes.
Lectures – A Speaker’s Bureau item?
Guest Speakers – Yes, a Speaker’s Bureau item.
Joint Fundraisers.
Socials (parties, mixers, strategic alliances with non profits, charities, joint fundraisers)- Workshops, Speaker’s Bureau.
CG – Called motion that we plan to have social gatherings that include parties, mixers, strategic alliances, workshops with guest speakers, workshops with non profits and charities and create a speakers bureau. KR – Second.
TL – Call the question.
Motion carried unanimously.

5.11 Timelines/Potential Dates – Bar BQ in September (5-6 weeks is too soon). PD- 60/90 days is important to be prepared and equipped. CG – Large events should be properly planned. TL/CG – Certain small events (where we have a table, etc) is easier and can be accomplished. EL – 7 time rule, keep exposing people and they will come. Take the time to prepare. TL – Suspend till we meet again and create strategic events. PD – We should plan large events but definitely attend smaller events.

5.12 Discussion/Revisions of Annual Mission Statement
Tabled until the next meeting.

5.13 Recommendations to Board.
Motions: Motion in 5.10 needs to be brought to board.
PD – Bring to the Executive Council a motion to amend the Bylaws to include a roll call vote on all budgetary line items and issues of controversy. Votes for administrative Agenda items and votes to create time limits for discussion can continue by voice vote.
Lynne – Second.
Minutes will be made available to the public.
Motion carries unanimously.

5.14 Committee nominations tabled.

5.15 Public comments – everyone was happy.

6.0 New Business.

7.0 Next Meeting 6pm 8/29 California Cantina.

8.0 Motion adjourn. WB – Motion, Lynne second – passed unanimously.

9.0 Adjourned 10:04 PM.
