Meeting Date: 10/06/03 06:30 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Toluca Lake Sports Club-Second Floor Conference Room, 6711 Forest Lawn Drive (one block east of Barham)

Details: 1. Sign-In, Welcome And Introductions

2. Brief Reviewof Minutes Of September 8, 2003 Possible Motion And Vote.

3. Presentaton By Chris Liu, Operator Of The New Nightclub Andrestaurant At The Studio Caf頁t Hollywood And Cherokee.
Possible Motion And Vote.

4. Discussion Of Design Charrette For Hollywood

5. Discussion Of The Urban Land Institute Study

6. Discussion Of The Committee Operating Description

7. Discussion Of Runyon Canyon Issues. Possible Motion And Vote.

8. New Business

9. General Comments

10. Plan And Set Next Meeting Time & Place

11. Public Comment

12. Adjourn

For more information contact

Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
Business Development, Planning, and Support Committee
Meeting Minutes: Monday, October 6, 2003

Members Present: Jeff Rouze, Chair, Conrad Schoeffer, Steve Tronson, and John Ehretz, Colleen Wharton, Paul Woolsey

Location: Toluca Lake Sports and Tennis club, Second Floor Conference Room

A quorum being present, Chair Jeffrey Rouze, called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM.

Minutes: The minutes of the September 8, 2003 meeting were accepted by a vote of 6-0.

Presentation by Chris Kelly and Eric Liu of the Boulevard restaurant and Club.
Paul Woolsey updated the Committee about the new club proposed for the old Studio Café space at 6633 Hollywood Boulevard. The owners were not available to attend. The owners are planning an affordable restaurant on the first floor with new outdoor seating on the Boulevard, a new art deco façade, rotunda seating, improved bar seating, and a new kitchen with a barbeque space. There is a beer and wine license now. A cabaret and entertainment services license is sought for the basement space. It was also mentioned that David Judaken and Alan bailey are seeking a Conditional Use for an adjacent space to open a nightclub for 178 patrons. The operators are seeking an alcoholic beverages license, a dancing and live entertainment license, and a 4 a.m. closing time. No Vote.

Discussion of the Hollywood Design Charrette. Paul Ramsey was absent. This discussion was delayed until another meeting.

Discussion of The Urban Land Institute Study The Committee members had a lively discussion of the main recommendations of the Urban Land Institute Study. It was mentioned that the idea of promoting positive ideas for Hollywood is very important to the growth and redevelopment of the area. Hollywood needs new housing near the new retail to make the retail successful. The Boulevard needs higher quality retail, more mid-priced affordable restaurants, and a parking plan similar to the City of Santa Monica parking structures that serve the Promenade. I was mentioned that the live entertainment was just coming back to Hollywood and needs to be increased. It was agreed that Hollywood needs more unique architecture that reflects its past unique architectural heritage.

Discussion of the Committee Operating Description The Committee operating description was reviewed and discussed. It was suggested that the description include the reference to the preservation of the historical buildings in Hollywood.

Discussion of Runyon Canyon Issues. The Committee discussed the Runyon Canyon park issues that have been presented to the Board. It was voted to allow the Committee Chair, Jeff Rouze, to vote, as he deems necessary at the HHWNC Board meetings that discuss this topic. The vote for this action was 5-0-1.

New Business: The owner and representative of the Travel Inn on Sunset Boulevard will be invited to discuss the new proposed Hampton Inn. The owners of Boulevard will be invited to appear at the next meeting.

General Comments: The Committee had a discussion about future joint Committee meetings to hear major presentations of projects. It was agreed that we would talk to the other Committee chairs and the other Neighborhood Councils in Hollywood to coordinate. The Committee voted 6-0 to pursue joint meetings.

Future Meetings: It was agreed to meet on the first Monday of the month at the Toluca Lake Sports and Tennis Club at 6:30 p.m.

Public Comment: There was no public comment today.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Next meeting: Monday, November 3, 2003, at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by: Jeff Rouze
