Meeting Date: 12/11/07 06:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Women’s Club of Hollywood
1749 North La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046

December 11, 2007
Women’s Club of Hollywood
1749 North La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Directions: South of Franklin and North of Hollywood Blvd. – West side of the street. Accessibility: Building is accessible to the handicapped. Entrance at rear door. Parking: Parking is available in a free off-street parking lot behind the building.

The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any item of the agenda prior to the Board taking action on an item. Comments from the public on non-agenda and agenda items will be heard during the Public Comment Period and, within the discretion of the presiding officer of the Board, when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker unless waived by the presiding officer of the Board. Agenda is posted for public review: on bulletin boards at the top and bottom of Runyon Canyon Park, and electronically on the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council website and on the Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment ( As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood Council Project Coordinator at 213-485-1360 or e-mail to



1. Call to order by President (Anastasia Mann)

2. Roll call by Secretary (Bruce Gorelick)

3. Minutes – Review and approve prior October 1, 2007 minutes (Please see attached) (Vote) (5 minutes) (Attachment)

4. President’s Report by Anastasia Mann (20 minutes)
a.) Two (2) Issue Chair Positions are Open. We cannot fill posts during this meeting as there is a
60 day notice requirement.

i) Emergency Service, Police & Fire

ii) Cultural Resources, Entertainment, Public Events & Networking

b.) Public Official Reports
i.) CD4 – Update on Runyon Canyon Lower Parking Lot and Runyon Canyon Upper Parking Area

ii.) CD5

iii). Other

5. Vice President’s Report by Orrin Feldman (5 minutes)

6. Treasurer’s Report by William Bell (5 minutes)

7. HHWNC Elections by Michael Meyer
a.) Authorize budget to cover costs of temporary labor at the polling places on December 15 and 17, if necessary, and any “get-out-the-vote” measures proposed by the Election Committee. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

b.) Introduction of Candidates running for 2008 HHWNC Board. Two minutes maximum allowed for statements by the candidates certified as eligible to run by IEA, Joshua Barbosa. (Due to time limitations, new candidates/contested spots only.)

c.) Open Issue Committee Chair Positions. Candidates can submit their names

8. Committee Reports (20 minutes)

i.) Youth Development, Education and Recreational (Deana Ruggieri)
aa.) Report on P.U.P. Project. The Board is requested to reimburse GROWTH Foundation for the costs of the P.U.P. project. (Possible Motion and Vote) (Attachment)

ii) Traffic, Public Transportation and Parking (Wayne C. Johannson)
aa.) Update on the activities of CD 13 Street Closure Advisory Committee approx 5 mins).

bb.) MOTION: HHWNC supports the efforts of the Hollywood Property Owners Alliance (HPOA) to create a website ( in order to provide one-stop source of information related to parking access, street closures, construction traffic impacts, bus re-routing, traffic flows, taxi stands, valet parking, etc. for the residents, businesses and visitors in Hollywood.

For the specific purpose of creating and maintaining such a website, HHWNC allocates $3,100.00. These funds shall be transferred to the Hollywood Property Owners Alliance once the details of website have been finalized and development is authorized by HPOA. (Possible Motion and Vote.) (Attachment)

iii.) Infrastructure, Public & Regulated Resources & Services (Claire Guy)
aa.) Motion: HHWNC to request the City of Los Angeles and Councilmen in our HHWNC area and our local and state officials to research the feasibility and public funding of a family-friendly park within Area 6 or Area 7 of the HHWNC.

The Board is requested to provide a small amount of seed money as needed to assist its Infrastructure Committee in obtaining such funding. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

bb.) Motion: The HHWNC supports Metro expansion to the ocean in either the Southern route (Red Line currently running along Wilshire Blvd.) or Northern route (Red Line from Hollywood and Highland addition proposed to run along Santa Monica Blvd.)- but if the Northern Red Line route is chosen we request that the expansion go down Highland Avenue to curve west onto Santa Monica Blvd.- and stakeholders strongly oppose any routing under or through residential neighborhoods.

cc.) Infrastructure Committee reports:
i.) Relocation of the Church of Religious Science.
iv.) Environment, Beautification & Aesthetics (Wendy Kneedler-Senior)
aa.) Motion: Women’s Club of Hollywood presentation of request for partial funding of phase III renovation and beautification. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

bb.) Motion: Project Pigeon presentation by Laura Dodson requesting partial funding of pigeon abatement program. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

cc.) Motion: The Board is requested to send a letter to Department of Sanitation to follow through on landscaping of the old Durant Library. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

v.)Other Issue Committees
aa.) Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)

i.) Area 3 (Paul Woolsey)
aa.) The Board is requested to take a position recommending that the City Council make no amendments to the City Code reducing the number of agencies in the C.U.P.
application process, especially any removing the Department Of Transportation. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

bb.) The Board is requested to take a position that we oppose any further super-signage advertising graphics in the Hollywood Signage Use District. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

cc.) The Board requested to take a position that we conditionally support a residential
project at 1812 N. Wilcox Avenue known as Wilcox Gateway with the following
i.) That the front dedication be reduced from the required 15 feet five inches to
7 3/4 feet pursuant to an applicant request to D.O.T. that Wilcox be re-designated from Secondary Highway to Median Collector Status.

ii.) That the height of 60 feet required be allowed to 65 feet.

iii.) That the North Side setback be reduced from 9 feet to 5 feet.

iv.) That the rear setback be reduced from 15 feet to 5 feet.

v.) That the number of parking spaces be reduced from 2.5 per unit to 2.25

dd.) The Board is requested to take a position supporting a residential project at
1846 N. Cherokee as stated with no variances asked for. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

ii.) Area 7 (Cheryl Holland)
aa.) The Board is requested to support and approve the plans/projects submitted by the owner/developer of the townhome development located at 1551-1557 Poinsettia Avenue (Possible Motion and Vote.)

bb.) The Board is requested to direct a request to the LADOT to provide a “Changeable Message Sign” for use on Sunset Blvd. heading East before La Brea Avenue to notify drivers of Hollywood Blvd. closures and to alleviate congestion on residential streets. (Possible Motion and Vote.)

iii.) Other Area Committees
aa.) Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)

9. Public Comments – Comments from the public on agenda items and non-agenda items within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per speaker.

10. Old Business

11. New Business

12. Adjournment

PROCESS FOR RECONSIDERATION: The Board may reconsider and amend its action on items listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place immediately following the original action or at the next regular meeting. The Board, on either of these two days, shall: (1) Make a Motion for Reconsideration and, if approved, (2) hear the matter and Take an Action. If the motion to reconsider an action is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: (1) A Motion for Reconsideration on the described matter and (2) a Proposed Action should the motion to reconsider be approved. A motion for reconsideration can only be made by a Board member who has previously voted on the prevailing side of the original action taken. If a motion for reconsideration is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Board member on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for requesting reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall all be in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.

Women’s Club of Hollywood
1749 North La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Unapproved Board Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2007
6:00 pm


1. Call to Order by President Anastasia Mann at 6.15 pm

2. Roll Call by Secretary Bruce Gorelick. The following members were present:
Orrin Feldman
Bruce Gorelick
William Bell
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Wayne C. Johansson
Deana Ruggieri
Claire Guy – tardy
Paul Ramsey
Wendy Kneedler-Senior
Terry Migliaccio
Joan Luchs
Paul Woolsey
Conrad Schoeffter – tardy
Michael P. Meyer
Cheryl Holland
Kenneth Jones
John Pogue
The following members were absent:
Thor Lee
Wilson Bell
Daniel Savage
Rick Solomon

3. Minutes – Anastasia asks to approve minutes from the prior October 1, 2007 meeting.
Joan Luchs says Conrad Schoeffter was absent although he is listed in attendance. Dan Martinez should be Darren Martinez. Michael Meyer requests correction to page 6, item 8b where the motion that passed is listed as a draft selection when it was actually the final election procedures. On page 6 in Area 5 & 6, Helene Louist is misspelled and should be Helyne Noyes. MOTION by Terry Migliaccio to have a motion to change names in the minutes is seconded by Paul Ramsey. VOTE: Motion passes 11 in favor, 1 in abstention. MOTION to change names. VOTE: Motion passes 13 in favor.

4. President’s Report
a) Two (2) Issue Chair Positions are Open.
Anastasia asks for candidates to speak or issue their campaign notice.
i) Emergency Service, Police & Fire. Valorie Keegan announced her candidacy.
ii) Cultural Resources, Entertainment, Public Events & Networking. Public Comment: We’re told that a candidate is on their way, and Barbara Witkin arrived later in the meeting to announce her candidacy.

b.) Public official reports:
i) CD4 – Runyon Canyon Lower Parking Lot Update.
Public Comment: Stacey Marble, CD4 Field Deputy -Updates on successful Hollywood Santa Parade. The city pulled it off in a couple of months. She announces that there is a new website, where we can go to see what our City Council Member is doing. Stacy reported a new left-hand turn lane at Mulholland Drive and Laurel Canyon that has been approved and work order has been processed and in a few months it should be up. Stacy also reported that a residents only parking permit area for the area near the Laurel Canyon Blvd. store has been approved by the City’s Transportation Department. Construction will be starting in a few weeks on a 300-foot retaining wall on Sycamore in the Hollywood Heights area behind and upslope from Yamashiro Restaurant due to a mudslide a couple months ago. Runyon Canyon is not a new matter. We know this council has already weighed in on it, last September. It is not about parking lot-yes or no-but whether there will be a mitigated negative declaration published for the parking lot project, which will address all the environmental concerns, such as noise, pollution etc. The parks commissioners will vote on the next phase. CD4 expects that a lawsuit will be filed about building the parking lot. Parking lot construction is likely to start in Spring, 2009. Construction is expected to last until the Fall, for approximately 6 to 9 months, at a cost estimated at $950,000 for the project.

ii) Anastasia asks if there is anyone present from CD5, or CD13? No one is present.

iii) Other
Anastasia asks Andy Ulloa, General Manager of the Magic Castle, for any updates. Andy announced that the Magic Castle and Yamashiro’s is very close to identifying a buyer. Every issue is on the bargaining table, and there currently is no proposal to demolish the Magic Castle. All buyers are proposing projects to maintain the character of the site, and the owners hope to name the final buyer by the next meeting. It has been a slower process than expected.

5. Vice President’s Report by Orrin Feldman
There are ongoing discussions around the Hollywood area neighborhood councils for how to run the next year’s elections. More guidance is expected from DONE. Details will be provided later, but if you’re running for 1 or 2 years it could be 2 years, or it could be 3. The City is planning to have the City Clerk’s office conduct the elections, rather than the neighborhood council(s)- which should be a benefit.

The City will take over running all neighborhood council elections in 2010.

As HHWNC’s legal liaison, there are two items to report:

1. Darren Martinez advised us in December that there is a legal issue concerning HHWNC making donations and/or improvements to the Women’s Club because the Women’s Club is a private club (and not a public institution)- and we should not be benefiting a private institution.
2. Mr. Martinez also advised HHWNC to provide copies of any petitions we received complaining about board members to the board member(s).

6. Treasurer’s Report by William Bell.
William says we have current bills, and that he’s processing those bills in an orderly and timely manner, and will continue to do so.

7. HHWNC Elections by Michael P Meyer
a.) Addresses upcoming board elections. Announces the planned motion for the budget for the upcoming elections as the number of volunteers is insufficient, and that he needs a number of additional volunteers to staff the election polls. Michael makes a MOTION to increase the amount allocated for conducting the election(s) and to $1,000.00. VOTE: 16 in favor. Motion passes unanimously.

b.) Candidates running in the election introduce themselves. There are a number of positions running unopposed.

Anastasia Mann, President. Currently running unopposed.

Orrin Feldman, Vice President is running for reelection. Paul Dorigo announced his candidacy for the Vice President position.

Bruce Gorelick is the incumbent secretary. Jonathon Sweet announced he is running against Bruce.

Michel Meyer is running unopposed.

Jarone Johnson is running for Area 5 Chair.

Jennifer Fitzgerald is running unopposed.

Dan Savage is running, but absent tonight.

Joan Luchs is up for reelection for Area 2. Patricia Weber is running against Joan.

Paul Woolsey, the incumbent for Area 3.

Conrad Schoeffter is not running for re-election in Area 4. Andy Ulloa is running unopposed to chair the Area 4 Committee.

Rick Solomon, running unopposed in Area 6, is out of town tonight.

Cheryl Holland is the incumbent for Area 7.

Donovan Ryan, in audience, announced his candidacy for chairing the Area 8 Committee. Ken Jones has decided not to run for re-election.

John Pogue is running to chair the Area 9 committee.

8. Committee Reports

i) Youth Development, Education and Recreational by Deana Ruggieri
The budget for the PUP project (Pickup Dog Poop) is in the packet. People are not cleaning up after their dogs. The PUP project is alerting people to the environmental issues. They gave out dog biscuits to the dogs. It’s an ongoing project with kids from all over.. We’re working with Ralph’s and the Midnight Mission, who have donated supplies for the PUP project. Our Committee has made a motion to cover upfront the costs for the PUP project. Anastasia Mann asks Deana to excuse herself during the discussion and vote in order to not have a conflict of interest. MOTION to reimburse the Committee’s expenses up to $402.00 is made by John Pogue. Paul Ramsey seconds.

Comments–Orrin Feldman asks if these costs are covering phase 2 or just phase 1. The motion does not have any future assistance as part of it. This motion is to cover all phases of the PUP project. VOTE: All in favor, motion passes 15-0.

ii) Traffic, Public Transportation and Parking by Wayne C. Johansson
aa.). Closures on Hollywood Blvd-generally are made after a committee, which meets once a month, has evaluated the proposed street closures. A sub-committee has been formed to look into establishing written guidelines to close down streets and specify what fees will be required to pay for any staff needed to effect and mitigate the street closure(s). The committee also is considering whether to establish a traffic mitigation fund for street closures-that money would go back into community for left turn signals and similar improvements, . Wayne’s impression is that CD-13 and CD-4 would control those funds.

Comments–Paul Ramsey questions whether street closures are being made at the request of for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, or both, and whether different rules should apply for different kinds of street closures..

bb.) MOTION-to create a website for Hollywood Property Owners. Paul Ramsey seconds. The Hollywood property owners are an association of property owners in commercial businesses in the area along the boulevard; they also sit in on advisory committees. They have access to information and want to bring out that information for everyone to see on the website.

Comments–Claire Guy asks for clarification regarding the amount of the money being requested.

Orrin Feldman: I’ve never heard of this group, and would like more information about the group, who it is, and whether it’s intending to sell advertising to support the site. He asked who, if anyone, will be expecting to make money by creating this website?

Michael P. Meyer: I agree with Orrin, this is a good idea but we need some more background. Maybe we should get someone in to explain it to us. We can’t transfer funds to this group. If they have invoices we can reimburse for actual costs but we can’t just give them money. It’s not a reality yet so we can’t just give it away. We can come back with an actual amount in the future.

Wayne: It’s a not for profit project, and nothing else has happened yet, but that’s why $25,000 is being sought to start-up the efforts to maintain the website. They are just starting this so then when it’s realized it can be reimbursed.

Orrin Feldman: It looks like we’re being asked to give seed money to a commercial business.

Anastasia Mann: We ask that you rephrase your motion and that the new board will take this matter up again when there is more definition to the project You can amend the motion so it remains on the record as a concept.

The motion is set aside for possible reworking and future consideration.

iii.) Infrastructure, Public & Regulated Resources & Services by Claire Guy
aa) Claire Guy introduces a MOTION. The motion requests the Board to request the City of Los Angeles and Councilmen in our HHWNC area and our local and state officials research the feasibility and public funding of a family-friendly park within Area 6 or Area 7 of the HHWNC. Paul Ramsey seconds the motion

Claire reported that several meetings have been held about these parks, at which various state and local officials have presented information and advice about how to obtain funding for such parks.

Cheryl Holland explained that there are a couple of spaces under consideration for pocket parks. One is an area behind the Wattles Mansion, and then there is a possibility of purchasing a lot, but that an actual space hasn’t yet been identified

Wayne C. Johansson asks about the definition of family friendly and costs.

Claire Guy explained that “family friendly” doesn’t mean a children’s only park, which is what exists in some other places. Children only parks are parks where an adult can’t enter without a child. Claire estimated that the costs of establishing a family friendly pocket park could run up to a million dollars, for which we could try to obtain State funding. This motion requests under a thousand for seed money to send a person up to Sacramento to ask the State for money from the funds that have been set aside to be used only for park purchase and improvement.

Michael P. Meyer: I object to restricting this to area 6 and area 7. There are tons of areas that have no parks. Area 5 would like to make a family-friendly park. And regarding costs, up to one thousand dollars is a small amount, and I want a definite amount in the motion.

Claire Guy will take any friendly amendment, like opening up the amendment to all areas. Area 7 has no parks at all and there are kids.

Orrin Feldman: Parks are great, but we’ve had this discussion in a vacuum, and we’re ignoring the fact that the largest park in the area is directly across from area 7. It’s Plummer Park, which is a huge park, and it has almost round the clock activities. It’s family-friendly park, and directly across the street from area 7, but technically in West Hollywood. Area 6 has Waddell gardens, and it has the proposed Runyon Canyon acquisition/expansion. I’m also not sure it is appropriate for us to fund travel to Sacramento.

Anastasia Mann: If we have city support we may fund it. Anastasia asked Claire to work on how to resolve this, and to bring it back, either by rewrite it now or later.

Claire Guy: I’ll rewrite it now.

Anastasia decided that the motion would be brought back later during this meeting.

iv.) Environment, Beautification & Aesthetics by Wendy Kneedler-Senior
aa.) MOTION for the support of phase 3 of the beautification of the Women’s Club. Anastasia interrupts the introduction of the motion. Her suggestion is that in principle this can be dealt with based on the preceding interpretation: To consider this motion for its merit and not what we can do or not do, and make it provisional based on the difference of opinion. Does everyone agree? No contestation. Anastasia asks Wendy to add that sentence to the motion-pending the determination the resolution.

Comments-A dollar figure? 50,000.
Anastasia Mann: If I can make a suggestion, since we have to find out if we can do this with our funds, since we don’t have definitive figure presented to us so to be determined.

Michael P. Meyer: We can’t just give them money. We need something specific to give them money for, like the fridge or the floorboards, or a new sound system or kitchen and things that relate to our meetings here.

Kenneth Jones: We firstly have to consider if we can do anything without the dollar amount, we are only talking in principle.

Wendy Kneedler-Senior rereads the MOTION with the added last sentence–pending determination of the legal issues from the department of neighborhood and the city attorney office, and a dollar amount. Cheryl seconds.

Joan Luchs comments: I don’t think it’s appropriate to do any kind of a vote without the additional information. My opinion is we don’t have enough information and we should wait to make an intelligent vote.

Orrin Feldman: We actually do have a determination that since it is a private entity and not public it is not eligible for capital improvement grants from HHWNC

Orrin: We are all in support but don’t want to commit an illegal act.

VOTE: In favor-10, abstentions-4. Motion passes.

bb.) MOTION. Our committee also voted to request the Hollywood Hills Council to fund, in part, the Pigeon Project.

Lara Dodson, in audience, explains the Pigeon Project. From Franklin Avenue going down to Melrose there is pigeon poop. Finding a solution to reduce pigeon poop. PETA and the humane society have completely backed us, on rooftops their will be food so the ladies can’t get to the birds to feed them, cleaning up 20 square miles of street. Reduce the flocks in half in 5 years; we will probably do it in 2 years, despite the bird lady. We’re asking for $5,000, we already have the rest of the 60,000, nearly.

Comments-Kenneth Jones: Is that 5k a fixed figure?


Wayne C. Johansson: What about other neighborhood councils?

Orrin: Now we have pigeons in section 7, and crows in area 5.

Paul Ramsey: Has the drug been tested for example with other animals, like cats?

It doesn’t hurt the air, water, other birds; the feed is made exactly for pigeons.

Michael P. Meyer: Put a dollar amount on the motion.

Conrad Schoeffter is seconding amending the motion to $1,000.

Kenneth Jones says amend it to $1,500.

Wayne C. Johansson seconds. Approval to amend the motion with $1,500.

VOTE: in favor 16-0. AMENDED MOTION. VOTE: 16-0. Motion passes unanimously.

cc.) MOTION for landscaping of Durant Library. Michael P. Meyer seconds.


v.) Other issues
Back to iii.) Infrastructure…
aa.) Claire Guy has reworded motion. The MOTION requests the council to research the feasibility of family-friendly parks in an area, or areas in the area. Cheryl seconds. VOTE: 14 in favor. 1 opposed. Motion passes.

aaii) MOTION to allocate seed money in an amount which is not to exceed $1,000 for research. Paul Ramsey seconds. VOTE: 9 in favor. 6 opposed. The motion carries.

bb) MOTION about the metro expansion. Wendy Kneedler-Senior seconds.

Comments-Michael P. Meyer: One correction-the southern route is the purple route… I would argue that at this point it is premature for the curve, wait for the analysis so we have a basis with which to make this motion and eliminate that part and just keep the tunneling under the residential areas.

Paul Ramsey: I think the residential would have us opposing the Wilshire route.

Claire Guy: She says it’s the Northern Line, it will curve under Highland to La Brea.

Joan Luchs: I think there’s going to be so much more information coming out and this is ridiculous to discuss right now.

Orrin Feldman: This is premature and it seems to rule Sunset Boulevard out for tunneling underneath it. Frankly we want to encourage the development dollars that would come from the metro expansion to be invested in our HHWNC area.

Claire Guy: The people who showed up to the meeting are people who are strongly opposed to it. We had over 60 people and they wanted Sunset off the table.

Cheryl Holland: Sunset’s not off the table, but we could reroute this.

Michael P. Meyer: The scoping report is in; please investigate the line out to the ocean. No comment period till the summer when they will vote for it.

Joan Luchs: I don’t have enough information to make a decision. We should have someone come here and explain what’s going on.

Claire Guy: This is our last opportunity, and as I said, now you’re getting the feedback from the Stakeholders that this Board said it wanted earlier.

VOTE: 6 in favor. 10 opposed. This motion does not carry at this time.

cc.) i.) The relocation of Church of Religious Science. They want to move, if anyone knows where they could move/relocate to, please let me know.

ii) The board has endorsed the resolution to not adopt the resolution for the DWP. A resolution previously passed by our HHWNC Board at a Board Meeting at which Jack Humphreville presented the motion and he was extensively questioned by the HHWNC Board about it and the Board subsequently passed it, 16 in favor, 2 opposed.

Anastasia Mann passes the gavel to the vice president at 8.35pm. Orrin Feldman leads the remainder of the meeting.


Area 3 by Paul Woolsey
aa.) The Board is requested to take a position recommending that the City Council make no amendments to the City Code reducing the number of agencies in the C.U.P.
application process, especially any removing the Department Of Transportation. (Possible Motion and Vote.) Tabled.

bb.) The Board is requested to take a position that we oppose any further super-signage advertising graphics in the Hollywood Signage Use District. (Possible Motion and Vote.) Tabled.

cc.) The Board requested to take a position that we conditionally support a residential
project at 1812 N. Wilcox Avenue known as Wilcox Gateway with the following variances:
i.) That the front dedication be reduced from the required 15 feet five inches to
7 3/4 feet pursuant to an applicant request to D.O.T. that Wilcox be re-designated from Secondary Highway to Median Collector Status. Requests a six-foot setback from actual sidewalk. Paul Ramsey seconds.

ii.) That the height of 60 feet required be allowed to 65 feet.

iii.) That the North Side setback be reduced from 9 feet to 5 feet.

iv.) That the rear setback be reduced from 15 feet to 5 feet.

v.) That the number of parking spaces be reduced from 2.5 per unit to 2.25

Seth Dudley (one of the developers) speaks (from the audience): so much of the development had been done that was not friendly to the environment and respected the neighborhood. We bought this property (showing four small apartment buildings, 26 units). We have a plan that will incorporate the 1812 development. There will be 36 units after rehabilitation. Adding 61 parking spaces. We need these propositions that Paul just listed. The project will enhance the neighborhood in the street.

Comments-Michael P. Meyer: I have a strong feeling that we should not be going with variances on a bought property that the owner knew about when he bought it. I’d like to hear about why from the owner.

Economic reasons.

Paul Ramsey: I think we should encourage developers to develop what they should and the city regulations are not cast in stone. I don’t think it’s that egregious. And we’re not giving up a lot.

Joan Luchs: Do you have any kind of pictures of the back part of the building? Do you have anything to show us from behind?

No. He describes it. On the south side is a liquor store. So the original 60 feet would not obscure anything, they are all commercial properties in that area.

Paul Woolsey: This is all about the effectiveness of this building on the street in regards to the sidewalks and the highway status. And you’re giving back a lot more to the street than the older businesses that have been there for more than 15 years.

Joan Luchs: Can we change the motion?

Orrin Feldman: Can we move forward with a friendly amendment?

Michael P. Meyer: Put a little preamble before it-because the developers are reconstructing an historic building.

Orrin Feldman: We are asking for a favorable consideration, and to justify the amendment.

VOTE: 13 in favor. 1 abstention. aa and bb we will not get to tonight.

dd.) Shows pictures of what the building will look like on Cherokee. With an 8 feet setback and 34 feet wide.

Comments-Joan: I would not normally be in favor, but I would be now. Motion should be amended to say that discretionary action should be requested. A track map approval.

Michael P. Meyer: We should know if it’s for sale or for rent.

Paul Woolsey: It’s for sale.

Paul restates the motion with added line that it is a condominium for sale.

Orrin Feldman: Ready with the RESTATED MOTION to take to vote. Paul Ramsey seconds. VOTE: 11 in favor of motion as amended. Three abstentions. Motion passes. aa.) and bb.) held for next time.

ii) Area 7 by Cheryl Holland
aa) Possible motion to support a proposed town home development at 1551-1557 Poinsettia Avenue. Paul seconds the motion.

Public comments: Samuel Bayar, developer/owner: shows the drawings of the proposed project. He emphasized that they want to bring light into the residences, which would include 17 condominium units. He’s asking the City approve the project with 2.25 parking spaces per unit. It is currently a 14-unit apartment building. Parking spaces would be at the back of the building and underneath it, and the driveway/entrance would jut out into street. We’d like to ask HHWNC for support of a dedication at the back of a green belt at 11 feet and not 6 feet, which would include nine-foot patios for the ground floor units. The neighbors like it as a buffer.

VOTE: 14-0. Motion passes.

bb) Problem with signs on Sunset Blvd. Cheryl wants to amend the motion to request LADOT to provide a temporary sign-a portable sign. It turns out that the estimate cost might be half a million dollars for the sign. Paul Ramsey seconds the motion. Orrin Feldman asks Cheryl to report back after Wayne C. Johansson has talked to Council Member Garcetti’s street closure committee further about her request for additional signage.

Cheryl did not want to wait for Wayne to take this matter up with the street closure committee.

VOTE: 14-0. Motion passes.

9. Public Comments
Mr. Abdi Manavi, General Manager of the Vogue Theatre restaurant/night club, made a comment to explain that the Vogue Theatre has arranged for leasing exclusive parking spaces to satisfy the parking requirements to open the restaurant/nightclub.

The meeting was adjourned at 9.15 pm, and the time and place for the next meeting was left to the discretion of Ms. Mann.
