Meeting Date: 06/29/11 06:30 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Women’s Club of Hollywood



June 29, 2011
6:30 pm

Women’s Club of Hollywood
1749 North La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Directions:  South of Franklin and North of Hollywood Blvd. – Accessibility:  Building is accessible through entrance at rear door.  Parking:  Free Parking is available behind the Women’s Club on the upper level of the parking lot.


June 29, 2011
6:30 pm

Women’s Club of Hollywood
1749 North La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Directions:  South of Franklin and North of Hollywood Blvd. – Accessibility:  Building is accessible through entrance at rear door.  Parking:  Free Parking is available behind the Women’s Club on the upper level of the parking lot.

The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any item of the agenda prior to the Board taking action on an item.  Comments from the public on non-agenda and agenda items will be heard during the Public Comment Period and, within the discretion of the presiding officer of the Board, when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period.  Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker unless waived by the presiding officer of the Board.  Agenda is posted for public review: on bulletin boards at the top and bottom of Runyon Canyon Park, and electronically on the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council website and on the Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment (  As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.  Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.  To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood Council Project Coordinator at 213-485-1360 or e-mail to


PROCESS FOR RECONSIDERATION:  The Board may reconsider and amend its action on items listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place immediately following the original action or at the next regular meeting. The Board, on either of these two days, shall: (1) Make a Motion for Reconsideration and, if approved, (2) hear the matter and Take an Action.  If the motion to reconsider an action is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: (1) A Motion for Reconsideration on the described matter and (2) a Proposed Action should the motion to reconsider be approved.  A motion for reconsideration can only be made by a Board member who has previously voted on the prevailing side of the original action taken. If a motion for reconsideration is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Board member on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for requesting reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall all be in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.

1. Call to order by President, Anastasia Mann

2. Roll call by Acting Secretary, Aaron Rogers

3. Minutes – Review and approve minutes from May 18, 2011 and May 26, 2011 (see attachment) (Vote) (5 minutes)

4. President’s Report by Anastasia Mann (20 minutes)

a. Public Official Reports
i.) Mayor’s Office – Fabiola Vilchez, Central Area Director – Budget Survey
ii.) CD4 –Sharon Shapiro, Field Deputy, Office of Councilmember Tom LaBonge
iii.) CD5 – Jeffrey Ebenstein, Field Deputy, Office of Councilmember Paul Koretz
iv.) CD13 – Angela Motta, Field Deputy, Office of Council President Eric Garcetti
v.) 42nd District-Nichole Carcel, Office of Assemblyman Mike Feuer
vi.) LAPD-Capt. Beatrice Girmala
b. Outreach Chair election:  Nichole Carcel is only candidate.
c. Other open board seats-Secretary and Area 7
d. Decide next meeting date

5. Vice President’s Report by Orrin Feldman (10 minutes)

6. Treasurer’s Report by Michael Meyer (10 minutes)

a. Presentation of FY12 budget
b. Status of Slow Down signs
c. Status of Friends of Library donations from FY11 budget

7. Parliamentarian, Aaron Rogers

a. Gardner Elementary School Program (joint proposal with Marcello Robinson)

Background:  The principal of Gardner Street Elementary, Ken Urbina, is installing a new MUSIQ program lab in the school.  The reference website is  The lab would house a piano based music program.   Students begin in kindergarten and by the 6th grade are able to read music, play the piano and compose music.  Mr. Urbina has arranged a discounted price from Guitar Center for the MIDI keyboards needed for the lab.

Motion:  HHWNC allocates $3500 to purchase 40 MIDI keyboards for the Gardner Street Elementary music lab. 

b.  Discuss possible donation to Valley View Elementary.

8. Presentation on proposed Forest Lawn Cemetery expansion

a. George Mihlsten representing Forest Lawn
b. Paul Edelman from Santa Monica Conservancy

9. Committee Reports (20 minutes)

a. STANDING RULES AD HOC COMMITTEE – Report from Michael Meyer, Chair


i. Area 6 Chair-Dietrich Nelson

:  Hollywood West Neighborhood Council joins and supports Bel Air Beverly Crest Planning and Land Use Committee in requesting The Department of Building and Safety Notification of "By Right" Development to Neighborhood Councils and City Council offices of all development in areas designated by the City of Los Angeles as High Fire Severity Zones and Landslide areas.
ii. Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)
i. Report from EMS Committee-Valorie Keegan
Background:  1718 N. Cherokee, located just north of Hollywood Blvd, is our area Community LAPD Sub Station. During special events such as Halloween and Santa Parade the Sub Station becomes the lost child and first aid center.  Thousands of residents and tourists come in to the community sub station annually for help, information and directions.  This portion of Cherokee is dark, dingy, poorly lit experiencing high crime and not recognizable as the vital community recourse that it is.  A sprucing up of this location would provide benefit to the community and is greatly needed

Motion: Emergency Services and Area 3 Planning Van project application and funding.

EMS and Area 3 Committee request the HHWNC board of directors support of Planning Van project, application and funding in the amount of $2,000. Requested funding to be used for beautification project at 1718 N. Cherokee. (Paint, lighting, landscape, cleaning supplies and other needed materials.)   Planning Van project applications are due July 1, 2011. All applications for Planning Van project assistance will be reviewed and selected "winning” projects will be notified July 22, 2011.

ii. Report from Housing Committee-Marcello Robinson
Presentation:  Development plans for 1400 to 1440 Fuller Avenue.
Presenters: Peter Lauener (Regional President) & Chris Encheff (Director of Land Acquisition) of Intracorp Companies.
The project has approvals from the City of Los Angeles but the prior developer did not move forward.  Intracorp is under contract on the site, and are proposing changes to better address the current market and wanted to have the opportunity to present their plans to the community
-1ST Annual Neighborhood Job Fair:  Yucca Community Center
Thursday, September 22, 2011. 10am to 4pm.
-S.O.S: Service Over Self Program
iii. Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance (Optional)

10. Public Comments – Comments from the public on agenda items and non-agenda items within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction.  Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per speaker.

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Next Meeting

14. Adjournment

Download PDF of this Agenda


June 29, 2011
Women’s Club of Hollywood
1749 North La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046

1. Call to order by President, Anastasia Mann at 6:40 p.m.

Roll call by Acting Secretary, Aaron Rogers: Present: Anastasia Mann, Orin Feldman, Michael Meyer, Aaron Rogers, Maria Rychlicki, Marcello Robinson, Valorie Keegan, Alison Connell, Bryce Lowery, Robin Moreno, Dietrich Nelson and Donovan Ryan.  Late: Brian Johnson.  Absent: Terry Migliaccio, Eric Paquette, Barbara Witkin, Jarone Johnson Jr, Daniel Savage, Joyce Dyrector and Jonathan Sweet.

2. Review and approve minutes from May 18, 2011 and May 26, 2011. (Robinson/Rychlichki) moved to approve both sets of minutes as submitted.  The motion carried unanimously.

3. President’s Report, Anastasia Mann reviewed updates from the Executive Board meeting.  She read a thank you note from Police Captain Beatrice Girmala from the Hollywood Division.

a.  Public Official Reports:
42nd District-representative Nicole Carcel of the Office of Assemblyman Mike Feuer, distributed their newsletter.  She talked about the 405 freeway closure from July 15 – 18th and reviewed State budget cuts approved in the first round including healthcare systems, higher education and the prison system.

b. Outreach Chair election:  Nicole Carcel, a resident of Area 6, stated that she is seeking the board position out of personal interest as Outreach Chair for HHWNC, not as an extension of her job with the Assemblyman.  The board unanimously approved Nicole with a vote of 13-0-0.

c. Anastasia announced there are still vacancies on the board for Secretary and Area 7.

d. Anastasia proposed Wednesday, July 20th as the next HHWNC board meeting date.  The board approved this as the date.

4. Vice President’s Report, Orrin Feldman spoke about Assemblyman Feuer’s breakfast meeting where heated topics included the use of handicap placards by motorists, Community Redevelopment Agency money, prison overcrowding, sentencing laws, pothole filling and the Governor’s budget.

5. Treasurer’s Report, Michael Meyer:

• Reviewed the expenditures since the last Board meeting which included allocations of $500.00 for printing costs for the Congress of Neighborhood Councils, the purchase of 300 tickets (already approved by the board) for Storybook Theater, and police department supplies (previously approved) for a total of $6,870.00.  The total funding spent by HHWNC for the current fiscal year was $29,776.00 which left $49,000.00 to be returned to the General Fund of L.A.  Michael also mentioned that the first third of the money allocated to the Will and Ariel Durant Library in the amount of $5,000 is being paid.  However, a new Neighborhood Purposes Grant will be needed to get the City to pay for the other two thirds, already approved.  (Nelson/Robinson) moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  The motion carried unanimously. 

• Status of Slow Down signs: Michael said this item will need to be brought back to the board in the next fiscal year. 

• Draft Budget:  Michael stated that he had created a draft version of the new fiscal year’s budget for $40,000.  He reviewed the funds proposed for each category.  The board unanimously approved the draft budget as prepared by Michael Meyer and amended by the Executive Committee.

6. Parliamentarian, Aaron Rogers:
Gardner Elementary School: (Rogers/Robinson) moved that, “HHWNC allocate up to $3,500 to purchase 40 MIDI keyboards for the Gardner Street Elementary music lab.”  Aaron explained that this was a joint proposal with board member Marcello Robinson, Outreach, to fund instruments for a new Musiq Program Lab where students will be taught to read music.  Principal Ken Urbina explained this school has a historical link with the music industry.  In 1969, the late Michael Jackson was involved with this grade school.  The school is now teaming with the Youth Policy Institute to install a Music Laboratory where mini keyboards will be connected to computers.  The program will enrich students’ language skills and teach them to read and compose music.  Mr. Urbina has arranged a discounted price from Guitar Center for 40 MIDI keyboards. (  The motion carried unanimously. 

The board also discussed possibly allocating funds for Valley View Elementary school to purchase new chairs for their auditorium.

7. Committee Reports:
a. STANDING RULES AD HOC COMMITTEE, Chairperson Michael Meyer said his committee is working on drafting standing rules related to Area and Issue Committee meetings as well as rules related to the Planning &Land Use Management Committee to be added to HHWNC’s latest Bylaws.  He also suggested that the Standing Rules clarify who posts agendas at Runyon Canyon Park and that it is the Treasurer’s job to purchase/shop for food for the board meeting.


i.  Area 6 Chair-Dietrich Nelson announced a joint meeting on July 12th between Area 6 and Infrastructure to discuss upcoming rate hikes.  He then presented a motion: (Nelson/Johnson) moved, “Hollywood West Neighborhood Council joins and supports Bel Air Beverly Crest Planning and Land Use Committee in requesting The Department of Building and Safety Notification of "By Right" Development to Neighborhood Councils and City Council offices of all development in areas designated by the City of Los Angeles as High Fire Severity Zones and Landslide areas.”  Since the City Council was to take action on this item, Anastasia suggested the motion be tabled until the City Council’s action is determined.  The motion was withdrawn and tabled.


EMS Committee Chair Valorie Keegan spoke about the building at 1718 N. Cherokee by Hollywood Blvd. which serves as the area Community LAPD Sub Station and also houses outreach services to battered women.  (Keegan/ Connell) moved, “EMS request the HHWNC board of directors support this Planning Van project, application and funding in the amount of $2,000 for beautification of the project at 1718 N. Cherokee including paint, lighting, landscape, cleaning supplies and other needed materials.” 
Valorie noted that vital services are provided out of this location, which is located in a high crime area.  During special events, such as Halloween and Santa Parade, the Sub Station becomes a valuable information center, Lost Child Center and First Aid center.  Valorie will be submitting an application to Planning Van Project for assistance with this beautification project.  If it is accepted, she will report this to the board on or after July 22, 2011.  Anastasia suggested that Robin Moreno (from Project Saving Grace/Area 3 rep) be recused from this discussion due to a conflict of interest.  (Mann) suggested a friendly amendment that if this application is not approved by Planning Van for assistance, the funding will come back to the board.  The motion carried: 9-3-0.

Report from Housing Committee:-Marcello Robinson attended a meeting/presentation by developers of a proposed housing development for 1400 to 1440 Fuller Avenue.  The project has approvals from the City of Los Angeles but the prior developer did not move forward.  Intracorp is under contract on the site and are proposing changes to better address the current market and wanted to have the opportunity to present their plans to the community.  However, it was noted that stakeholders were not made aware of this meeting so Intracorp will be scheduling another meeting and putting flyers out to alert stakeholders of the date/time/location. (, presenters: Peter Lauener, Regional President & Chris Encheff, Director of Land Acquisition).
Marcello has moved forward on setting up a location for an Outreach Neighborhood Job Fair.  He proposed the 1ST Annual HHWNC Neighborhood Job Fair to take place at the Yucca Community Center on Thursday, September 22, 2011, 10am to 4pm.  (Robinson/Ryan) moved that HHWNC support the concept of the 1st Annual HHWNC Neighborhood Job Fair at the Yucca Community Center on September 22, 2011.  The motion carried unanimously.

Reports by Committee Chairs in attendance:  EMS Chair Valorie Keegan alerted the board to an increase in motor vehicle break-in’s at Runyon Canyon Park and upper Nichols Canyon by Mulholland.

8. Public Comments – Rhonda (?), Area 6, was in attendance.

9. Old Business: None.

10. New Business: None.

11. Meeting Adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

Download these Minutes in PDF format

-Minutes by Pat Kramer, Kelly Services-
