Meeting Date: 05/06/04 06:30 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

7450 Hawthorne Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046


MAY 6, 2004 6:30 PM
7450 Hawthorne Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046


The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any item of the agenda prior to the Board taking action on an item. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per speaker unless waived by the presiding officer of the Board. Agenda is posted for public review: Gardner Street Elementary School, Valley View Elementary School, Yucca Community Center, on bulletin boards at the top and bottom of Runyon Canyon Park, Los Angeles Library: Will and Ariel Durant Branch and electronically on the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council website As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood Council Project Coordinator at (323) 224-2317 or e-mail to [email protected].

1. Call to order and roll call.

2. Secretary – Review and approve prior minutes (vote).

3. Treasurer – Review and approve treasurer’s report (vote).

4. President – Update

5. Vice President – Update

6. Hollywood Gateway Project update by Kathy Jones Irish, Chief of Staff, City Councilperson Tom La Bonge.

7. Announcement by Sharyn Romano, Hollywood Beautification Team (HBT)

8. Presentation on DWP proposed rate increase and update of projects slated for our area by Steven J. Malinoski, Director, Water Distribution Business Unit. (Possible motion and vote).

9. Review election procedures and timeline. Motion to engage consultant to coordinate election mailings with future outreach. (Vote(s))

10. Motion to conditionally support proposed project at 3400 N. Cahuenga Blvd West (Hanna Barbera). (Vote)

11. Request from Pinehurst Park Committee for funds to rescue Banyan Tree in Area 4. (Vote)

12. Presentation of proposed changes to previously approved Warner Bros. proposed parking structure on Forest Lawn Drive (Possible motions and votes)

13. Discussion of proposed fencing of upper Runyon Canyon Park.

14. Discussion of proposed inclusionary zoning ordinance for the City of Los Angeles.

15. Discussion of proposed changes to LAX

16. General Comments – Comments from board members on non-agenda items.

17. Public Comments – Comments from the public on non-agenda items within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. Public comments are limited to three minutes per speaker.

18. Adjournment (9PM or earlier).

PROCESS FOR RECONSIDERATION: The Board may reconsider and amend its action on items listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place immediately following the original action or at the next regular meeting. The Board, on either of these two days, shall: (1) Make a Motion for Reconsideration and, if approved, (2) hear the matter and Take an Action. If the motion to reconsider an action is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: (1) A Motion for Reconsideration on the described matter and (2) a Proposed Action should the motion to reconsider be approved. A motion for reconsideration can only be made by a Board member who has previously voted on the prevailing side of the original action taken. If a motion for reconsideration is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Board member on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for requesting reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall all be in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.


May 6, 2004 – 6:30 p.m.
Gardner Street Elementary School Auditorium
7450 Hawthorne Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046


The President, Dan Bernstein, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Dan Bernstein, President, Darren Gold, Vice President, Anastasia Mann, Orrin Feldman, Anthony Deckoff, Ellen Sondheim, Paul Woolsey, Conrad Schoeffter, Scott Meyer, Jeff Rouze, Jena Summer, Bob Cook, Paul Ramsey, Kevin Winston, Patricia Price and Mel Remba (wholeft early-another commitment).

Absent: Ossie Cohen, Cindy Gardner, Darryl Self, and John Connelly. .

The Secretary Darryl Seif has moved out of the Hollywood Hills West area and will be leaving the EIDC. He has not stated if he will continue to be the HHWNC Secretary.
MOTION by Bob to approve minutes as corrected, seconded by Darren.
Corrections: page 5 11c-Runyon Canyon on EPA Runoff. Orrin asked if it should be stated as “Runoff” and Jena said yes. Also on page 1 Scott Meyer was omitted from the attendance; he was absent from the February meeting.
Minutes were approved with corrections.

Cindy Gardner, treasurer, is out of town, so Dan gave following update to the distributed treasurer’s report: Page 3 of 3, available funds are $6,093.90 remaining in treasury. The audit of the HHWNC treasury transactions is scheduled to be completed May 15 and, once approved, HHWNC will begin to receive the balance of its funding. Another $25,000 is available to June 30, 2004 in $12,500 increments. At the last meeting Cindy informed the board that DONE extended the HHWNC budget to June 30 without increasing it, so rather than starting with a new $50,000, the board will be working with the same money until July 1, which will coincide with the city’s fiscal year. The city does not process donations. Any reimbursements for meeting costs will have to be billed to HHWNC in the form of invoices.

a) The Yucca Community Center volunteers who staged the Yucca Community Egg Hunt sent us a beautiful thank you card for our support. Special thanks to Ossie Cohen who staffed the HHWNC booth and was the highlight of the day with raffles, give-aways, etc. Also, Ossie will be the Cat In The Hat at a reading festival on May 15th.

b) The Runyon Canyon covered kiosks we approved in a previous meeting proved to be out of our budget range, at about $5,000 to $6,000 each. An alternative proposal was accepted to install two groupings of 3-panel double-sided semi-circular display/bulletin cases. Recs & Park will have use of 2 locking bulletin board cases and 3 permanent display cases. HHWNC will have exclusive use of one locking bulletin board case to post its official meeting agendas, announcements and outreach materials. The groupings are manufactured by Sea Reach, Ltd.- for $2,900 each totaling $5,800. HHWNC will order the groupings immediately.

Placement will be one at the top and one at the bottom of Runyon Canyon. HHWNC will purchase and install the groupings. HHWNC will maintain the boards (see diagram in minutes packet for details).

c)Rec & Parks had their budget cut and they might have to discontinue doggie bags to clean up the parks. Dan asked them to give us information so that we could buy them.

d)Caps for members and stakeholders are available. Brian has moved, so you can pick up the hats from Ossie.

e) Brochures are also available, but Dan didn’t have a sample brochure with him.

f) Election Committee adopted procedures, which were reviewed by DONE, and we will consider later in the agenda. The change would be to elect all officers and chairs through a ballot format. It will require a bylaw change and that can be done at the next bylaws meeting on June 3. The election is scheduled to be at Temple Israel of Hollywood on the evening of June 24th.

Bob said that last year some people who had made a contribution to the organization ran for committee chair but didn’t make it. Can last year’s procedure be followed to have committee meetings after the election of officers, giving those who didn’t make it as an officer a chance to run for a chair? Scott reminded the board that some who ran for one committee and didn’t make it had the opportunity to run for another and won.

g) Neighborhood Congress will be on May 22. Currently HHWNC has 20 board members, as Brian Lubocki and Richard MacMinn have resigned.

h) Hollywood Independent newspaper front page shows a woman walking three dogs in Runyan Park with no appearance of a doggie bag in her possession!

Darren did not have any updates.

Kathy Jones-Irish, Chief of Staff, City Councilmember Tom LaBonge, gave some background on the Yucca Corridor project and praised board member Jeffrey for his tremendous help with it. Because of inactivity at the site and numerous calls to the Councilmember, the City Council will assume project management to complete the development of the median at Franklin and Cahuenga. They will do this in partnership with the HHWNC, the Yucca Coalition and the community. The fiscal health of the project is good so can now proceed with some strategies to complete it. May 10 is slated to begin the sidewalk and other infrastructure work to support the site and perform the irrigation for the planting. Hollywood Beautification team will complete this within a few weeks, as they are currently reviewing the plans. The median should be finished around the end of June.


In response to a stakeholder, Kathy said that the article in the LA Weekly was not entirely accurate when it spoke about a shortfall in finances. Jeff went through all the invoices for the project. Jeff added that the fundraising person passed away about a year ago. The coalition is trying to raise another $50,000 and has about half now. It is a $650,000 project. Kathy said that fundraising will be an ongoing endeavor, but the city will commit to finishing the first phase. Any money raised will enhance and maintain the project after the June completion date. Councilmember LaBonge has already given money to the project, and she is working with him to allocate another $20,000 or more.

Scope of Work
Orrin asked about the remaining scope of the project and the signage. Kathy advised that the original project was for water elements and architectural design, but because their budget was not able to finance their vision, the plan was scaled down to signage and a landscaping plan. There is an effort to do landscaping that can be easily maintained and eliminate the sign. Jena asked if there was any discussion about drain water on site and Kathy answered that there’s been no discussion in detail, but she is aware of some environmentally appropriate elements to introduce as a way of incorporating the collecting of water.

Board Support
Anthony asked who is in charge of the project and Kathy told him the people from the community, the Neighborhood Council and the crafts people contracted to do the work Jeff will work closely to make sure that the money is appropriately spent. Bob wanted to know how the board could help and Jeff responded by increasing the contribution to $1,000. Dan asked Jeff if project bills could be submitted to the board before June 30, although he’s not sure if he could do it in this fiscal year’s budget. Bob questioned if there is room in the budget to increase the contribution and Jeff said that there would be another meeting in June, because a vote on a contribution is not on the agenda.

Sharyn Romano announced that her group is having an annual dinner fundraiser on June 15th at Universal Studios. She is asking the Board for support for outreach about the dinner, a donation to support the dinner and a $1,000 contribution to help print the HBT newsletter and mail it out. The newspaper costs $3,600 for 18,000 copies, so she is visiting 3 councils to request $1,000 each. Sharyn talked about the work of her group and how they are continually fundraising. They are the city’s graffiti abatement service, do tree planting with the help of at-risk youth and cover CDs 4, 13 and part of 5. Her group is available for speaking engagements.

Presentation on proposed rate increase and update of projects slated for this area.
Steve Malinoski, Dir. Water Distribution Business Unit, introduced some of his staff and gave some background on the rate hike issue, visits to neighborhood councils and where DWP stands now with regard to the City Council making a decision to grant the 11% hike. It will take 8 votes to succeed. He distributed a map “Proposed Water Main Improvement Projects” as of May 2004 identifying when each project was slated to begin.

Mel wanted to know if the streets would be resurfaced upon completion and one of the DWP staff said that the Bureau of Street Services would handle that.

Rebate to City
Varying questions were asked about this and Steve responded that DWP is a city agency, so a portion of revenue collected is given to the city, and like other agencies DWP was asked to contribute more. This money goes back into the infrastructure of the City. It is not excess funds. They are mandated by the City Charter to give 5% to the city. The 11% is for development. If the rebate is reduced, in two years there will be no rebate to the city. With regard to an audit by an outside company, it should be available in about 6 months after the City Council vote.

MOTION by Bob to close (table) discussion, and seconded by Anastasia.
VOTE: 10 in favor. Motion passed.

June election procedures prepared with DONE were distributed and reviewed. Approval is needed tonight for a timely mailing to go out for the June 24 election. DONE felt the Board needed to open up the election more, so anyone showing up could vote once for everything, then go home. Last year they had to wait for ballots to be cast, and then break into groups to elect committee chairs. Scott felt that this procedure changes the bylaws and creates more vacancies when the stakeholders should fill vacancies, not the board.


Write-in Votes
Scott noted that pages 5 and 7 may contradict each other, and Dan pointed out that it is a time issue. If a person comes in after the 7 p.m. deadline, they cannot write in a candidate. Bob believed that a write-in candidate the day of the election would avoid the candidates’ screening test done by the League of Women Voters. Darren reminded the group that the League does all their screening on election evening, and that information can be added more specifically to the “Section 7 Candidates” in the Election Procedures.

Bob suggested again that the way the election is structured, if a person loses as an elected officer, he/she can’t run for any other office. Can last year’s procedure be followed to have committee meetings after the election of officers, giving those who didn’t make it as an officer a chance to run for a chair? Dan acknowledged that Bob had a key point. On May 27 there is the candidate’s forum, which was not held last year. It will be publicized with an election mailer to the community giving them time to put it on their schedule. DONE will do 2 mailings to all our stakeholders (estimated 26,000). Jena asked if a person can be a candidate for 2 committees to increase chances of winning and Dan said a person could apply for only one position.

Anthony called attention to an error on page 8, under Voter Registration: last sentence should read, “maximum of 2 ‘issue’ chairs”, (not “area” chairs).

MOTION by Darren to adopt last year’s procedure and proceed with that, with adjustments made to make the process run more smoothly. Seconded by Paul W.

Cutter Gracia (stakeholder) suggested that there is not enough time to get people out to a forum in May, especially since the board has been working on this since February.

Aaron Epstein (stakeholder) suggested conducting elections like last year, then form an election committee to begin the changes for the following year. Dan responded that the League rep felt that the election was too long and complex, thus the changes.

Anastasia suggested that the officers and area chairs be elected on June 24 and at the next general meeting the issue committee chairs.

VOTE: Majority in favor; 2 abstaining (Jena and Ellen). Motion passed.

Dan said that soon he would have an election committee meeting with stakeholders and work this all out then.

MOTION by Bob that we table the issue and delegate it to an election committee, which is the whole board, to meet outside of business hours as soon as we can with Brown Act notice and a location. Seconded by Conrad.

Scott said it should be emphasized that the election is the only agenda item, no other business. Dan said that Christine (DONE) would be there and he would ask for her supervisor Michelle.

VOTE: Passed unanimously

Public Relations person
Dan reported that the Executive Committee would like to hire a PR person, Cynthia Fontayne of The Fontayne Group, to give all HHWNC mailings, beginning with the election mailings, a consistent look and feel. This way recipients will not think it is junk mail and trash it. He showed the group DONE’s brochure mailer.

MOTION written as item #9 on the agenda reads: to engage consultant to coordinate election mailings with future outreach.

Anastasia recommended Ms. Fontayne to the executive committee, and she gave a brief bio on her, saying the idea is for her to work on other HHWNC projects like the website. Dan said Ms. Fontayne would be hired on a retainer of $2,500, although he would rather increase it to $5,000. Darren responded that if Ms.- Fontayne does satisfactory work on the elections project, then consideration would be given for further work.


Scott does not have a problem doubling the retainer to $5,000 but wants fiscal management, in that later on Ms. Fontayne does not bring the council bills for cost overruns. He suggested that the board allocate $5,000, give the executive board authority to work with her as well as re-evaluate the request for further funding. Dan replied that the retainer is for strategy to design a look and feel for outreach to the recipients, because what we have been doing has not been successful. Darren added that she would have to work within the template of the website, rather than start from scratch.
There were questions about the other financial requests made this evening (Gateway, Hollywood Beautification) and what impact $5,000 would have on the budget. Dan said that roughly they could do it with what’s available to spend between now and June 30. Ellen felt it is the responsibility of the committee chairs to do the outreach to bring people in, rather than hire an outside firm.

FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Bob to approve the $2,500 and that we take under advisement a further $2,500 to be considered at the next directors’ meeting based on what we see and based on further feedback about the other organizations we have to use the remaining funds for.

MOTION moved and seconded to retain the PR person for $5,000 and her use of that money to be approved by the executive committee.

VOTE: 8 in favor; 5 opposed. 1 abstention – Darren

10. 3400 N. Cahuenga Blvd West. Hanna-Barbara Site
Following up on an earlier presentation, Bill McGregor, partner in Cahuenga Investors, brought everyone up to date. He will be going in front of PLUM May 19th. Renderings of the proposed design were shown to the board as he gave some background on the mixed use project of retail and apartments and said he received strong reaction from the Conservancy who were placing historic value on Building D. As a result of feedback, all 3 buildings will be retained, two as office buildings, one as office and retail. Building A has a signed lease with LA Fitness. A new building will be built in the rear of the property along the freeway, with 540 parking spaces and 47 apartment units. People asked for metered street parking so that will be done. There will be landscaping along Cahuenga Blvd W to make it more pedestrian friendly. The main entrance will be at the south end, and a DOT traffic report requires a traffic signal about 1/4 of the way down.

The discussion involved a variety of questions, to which Bill responded. There will not be any set asides for low income. This is C3 commercial zoning in compliance with the Ventura Cahuenga Blvd Specific Plan. No variances were required. Mr. McGregor was just at the meeting seeking a minor height modification above the 45 ft. height limit to 49.5 feet for Buildings A & D. The project has been downscaled and has completely mitigated traffic along Cahuenga. All traffic signals will be synchronized. In principle he agreed to support a shuttle/dash system to connect Cahuenga to MTA.

MOTION by Scott to support the project was seconded by Kevin.

Dan asked for conditions in theory, as a FRIENDLY AMENDMENT:
– Landscape median in front, eastern entrance and cross walk. All funds to mediate project to stay in area.
– Provide funds for dash buses from 3400 Cahuenga West to Universal Metro station for 50% of all trips to and from this development.
– Any and all mitigation funds be allocated to lessen impacts at this location.

VOTE: Majority in favor, 1 opposed – Jena. Motion passed.

Kurt Kassulke presented in place of Kathleen Scanlon, who explained that his committee is requesting financial support of from $5,000 to $7,000 to assist in the ongoing fundraising efforts for the park. It is a private community park that is open to everyone in District 4 through membership and reservations. This is to prevent the park from being used for drug activity again. There are about 300 active members of the park committee.

Dan asked about organizational structure (nonprofit or corporation) and Kirk wasn’t sure, but the group does have by-laws. He said his committee has signed a lease with the city and has total responsibility for the park. Dan said that the council may not be able to make a donation but may be able to do it as a reimbursement for costs. Bob asked if the council were to publicize Pinehurst Park on its website and it be open to the full community to use, would Kirk be adverse to that? Kirk advised that he would have to take that request back to his committee for a vote.

MOTION by Bob to table the discussion until the Pinehurst Committee can respond to the website publicity question. Seconded by Orrin.

Conrad cautioned that the park is very small and banyan trees are fragile. If the park is open to all stakeholders, a $2,000 donation would not be enough to repair the damage to the trees.

VOTE: Unanimous approval to table

Lisa Rawlins, Sr. VP Studio & Production Affairs is back before the board to amend a previously approved request for a parking structure on Forest Lawn Drive. The changes for which she is seeking approval include: adding 199 parking spaces (total of 912 spaces vs. 713 spaces previously) and adding 12 feet overall height to building (total of 56 feet high vs 44 feet previously).

Scott asked if the request required a zoning change and Lisa said yes, a variance. Kevin commented that the board had previously discussed it, approved it, but did not vote on it. Jeff reasoned that it is an isolated project that does not impact the residential area but actually helps alleviate traffic.

MOTION by Jena that the Board support the project. Seconded by Scott.

Bob asked if it was going to be a Mon-Fri garage and Lisa said it would be. Dan spoke on the impact of increased traffic on the bike lanes, and asked if Warner Bros is willing to make a commitment to move the bike lanes down to the River project. Lisa responded that she has been in conversation with the City Council office which is open to it.

FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Bob to support the project, noting the right of way and preservation of bike lanes and possible movement to the river.

VOTE: Unanimous approval

Dan announced that the Resource Board is considering proposing fencing at the upper area of the park and if anyone is interested to get involved. They want to be able to lock up Runyon Canyon.

Bob Untiedt of the Hollywood Interfaith Sponsoring Committee submitted a report and gave a brief presentation on this issue. His research shows that setting aside affordable housing isn’t aimed at poor people, it’s for lower middle class people. The group’s formula for creating more housing becomes more inclusionary of very low, low, and moderate-income families.

Dan asked everyone to bring the written report to their committees and Bob Untiedt added that his organization can bring speakers to these meetings.

This item was tabled.

Paul W said that next Tuesday night there would be a hearing for the Old Theatre Group to get a liquor license and conditional use permit for an entertainment type business they are opening at 6669 W. Hollywood Blvd. The request is for Dan to ask for a stay from Gerald Mackey pending a presentation to the board and a vote at the June meeting by this group.

Aaron (stakeholder) spoke about the proliferation of nightclubs in the area and asked the Council to take a position on this.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted-

Joyce Clarke
PDQ Careers Temp
