Meeting Date: 04/16/14 06:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Bonhams, 7601 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046


April 16th, 2014
Bonhams & Butterfields, 7601 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Outgoing Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order by HHWNC President Anastasia Mann at 6:05 p.m. 


  1. Roll call by Secretary Kathy Bañuelos: Board Members Present:  Anastasia Mann, Kathy Bañuelos, Michael Meyer, Jim Geoghan, Annie Gagen, Joshua Kopel, Mary Prange,  Jeffrey Papes, Dietrich Nelson, Vincent Laresca, Patricia Weber, Robin Moreno, Carmen Libaridian, Joyce Dyrector, Clive Whitcher and Barbara Witkin. (Paul Darrigo arrived at 6:26 p.m.). Quorum established.


  1. Approval of Minutes: (Kopel/Witkin) moved to accept the March 19, 2014 meeting minutes as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.


  1. Reports from Representatives: None.


  1. President's Report: Anastasia noted that the Area 2 seat is still open. The election will be held at the May 2014 meeting. A date of May 20th was set for the next meeting, as the former meeting date conflicted with the Hollywood CPAB Annual Town Hall Event. Anastasia thanked all of the board members for their hard work for the past two years.


  1. Treasurers Report – Michael Meyer reviewed expenses for the previous month. Year to date expenses were $21,075. (Jeff Papes/Nelson) moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.

(Meyer/Papes) moved that HHWNC authorize the purchase of up to $350 worth of refreshments (hot dogs, buns, chips, & drinks) to be served at the Yucca Community Center Spring Open House/Community Resource Fair, a worthwhile free community outreach event that will be held April 19th.  These items will be charged to the NC’s Purchase Card. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Committee Reports by Area Chairs:

    • Patricia Weber spoke about a restoration project for Areas 2 and 5 to restore the guardrail through the Cahuenga Pass. She will make a more formal presentation after the new board is seated.


  • Business rep Joshua Kopel presented a motion to benefit Runyon Canyon: (Kopel/Papes) moved to allocate funding of up to $15,000 to Rec and Parks on behalf of the HHWNC and the Friends of Runyon Canyon Foundation for equipment and improvements to the Runyon Canyon Park.  (Kopel/Papes) moved to amend the motion to add one bike rack. Also a change was made to revise the funding amount to up to $10,581 due to a miscalculation in the original motion. The motion to amend carried. (Darrigo abstained).


  • The board then voted on the amended motion to allocate funding of up to $10,581 to Rec and Parks on behalf of the HHWNC and the Friends of Runyon Canyon Foundation for equipment and improvements to the Runyon Canyon Park.  The motion carried with one opposed (Feldman) and one abstention (Mann).


  • Michael Meyer asked board members to put up road safety signs.


  1. Public Comments: None.


  1. New Business: None.


  1.  Old Business: None.


  1.  Presentation: Councilmember Tom LaBonge presented Certificates of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles to each outgoing board member for their service.


  1.  Meeting adjourned: 6:42 p.m.


-Minutes by Pat Kramer, Apple One-
April 16th, 2014
Bonhams & Butterfields, 7601 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Outgoing Board Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order by HHWNC President Anastasia Mann at 6:05 p.m. 


  1. Roll call by Secretary Kathy Bañuelos: Board Members Present:  Anastasia Mann, Kathy Bañuelos, Michael Meyer, Jim Geoghan, Annie Gagen, Joshua Kopel, Mary Prange,  Jeffrey Papes, Dietrich Nelson, Vincent Laresca, Patricia Weber, Robin Moreno, Carmen Libaridian, Joyce Dyrector, Clive Whitcher and Barbara Witkin. (Paul Darrigo arrived at 6:26 p.m.). Quorum established.


  1. Approval of Minutes: (Kopel/Witkin) moved to accept the March 19, 2014 meeting minutes as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.


  1. Reports from Representatives: None.


  1. President's Report: Anastasia noted that the Area 2 seat is still open. The election will be held at the May 2014 meeting. A date of May 20th was set for the next meeting, as the former meeting date conflicted with the Hollywood CPAB Annual Town Hall Event. Anastasia thanked all of the board members for their hard work for the past two years.


  1. Treasurers Report – Michael Meyer reviewed expenses for the previous month. Year to date expenses were $21,075. (Jeff Papes/Nelson) moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.

(Meyer/Papes) moved that HHWNC authorize the purchase of up to $350 worth of refreshments (hot dogs, buns, chips, & drinks) to be served at the Yucca Community Center Spring Open House/Community Resource Fair, a worthwhile free community outreach event that will be held April 19th.  These items will be charged to the NC’s Purchase Card. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Committee Reports by Area Chairs:

    • Patricia Weber spoke about a restoration project for Areas 2 and 5 to restore the guardrail through the Cahuenga Pass. She will make a more formal presentation after the new board is seated.


  • Business rep Joshua Kopel presented a motion to benefit Runyon Canyon: (Kopel/Papes) moved to allocate funding of up to $15,000 to Rec and Parks on behalf of the HHWNC and the Friends of Runyon Canyon Foundation for equipment and improvements to the Runyon Canyon Park.  (Kopel/Papes) moved to amend the motion to add one bike rack. Also a change was made to revise the funding amount to up to $10,581 due to a miscalculation in the original motion. The motion to amend carried. (Darrigo abstained).


  • The board then voted on the amended motion to allocate funding of up to $7,919.94 to Rec and Parks on behalf of the HHWNC and the Friends of Runyon Canyon Foundation for equipment and improvements to the Runyon Canyon Park.  The motion carried with one opposed (Feldman) and one abstention (Mann).


  • Michael Meyer asked board members to put up road safety signs.


  1. Public Comments: None.


  1. New Business: None.


  1.  Old Business: None.


  1.  Presentation: Councilmember Tom LaBonge presented Certificates of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles to each outgoing board member for their service.


  1.  Meeting adjourned: 6:42 p.m.


-Minutes by Pat Kramer, Apple One-