Meeting Date: 10/08/03 12:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular


Details: Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2003

Meeting called at 7:40

1. Thomas Bilich, District Superintendent, Water Distribution Business Unit, Western District, Department of Water and Power (5888 Venice Boulevard, LA 90019) was introduced. Mr. Bilich explained that the DWP would initiate its Nichols Canyon Water Main Replacement Project on about November 17. He was 90% certain of the date. This is a five phase program beginning at the bottom of NCR and moving up. Tom LaBonge said he would fast track services. The project will continue for approximately one year. The water pipes underneath Nichols Canyon Road will be replaced a few feet at a time. The DWP will dig a channel, remove the pipe and replace it in that channel, then repave that area and move up the road. During this period, Nichols Canyon Road will remain open to traffic but only one lane will function. Residents will be notified when the work begins. They anticipate traffic delays Monday – Friday, 7:30-8:00 am until 5:00 p.m. Expect big trucks and heavy equipment. Bypass is possible so that residents can keep their service. Mr. Billich said, Our goal is not to interrupt service.
Mr. Bilich’s email address is [email protected]; his telephone number is 213 367-5675.
2. Runyon Canyon consensus building
Jess Winfield, a North Vista Street resident, distributed copies of the results of laboratory testing of a water sample of runoff from Runyon Canyon onto Vista Street collected during a rainstorm in March 2003. Although these test results showed bacterial counts far above acceptable levels and beyond testable levels, the tests have been questioned because the method of collecting the samples was not documented in accordance with laboratory protocol. Mr. Winfield has sent this report to the Water Quality Board.
General discussion re concerns about people from all streets in the neighborhood working together towards problem solving of RC issues, and sharing information. It was agreed that we should have another meeting as soon as possible to discuss specific RC issues.
Meeting adjourned at 9.
