Meeting Date: 11/16/04 06:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Hollywood Library, Regional Branch
1623 N. Ivar Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90028

Details: Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
Traffic, Public Transportation and Parking

Tuesday, November 16, 2004, 6-8pm
Hollywood Library, Regional Branch
1623 N. Ivar Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90028

“dinner not provided”

1. Sign-in, distribution of speaker cards and introduction

2. Open Discussion-Status of transit projects and regional jurisdictional cooperation

3. Presentation of potential motions-Comments and discussion

4. Statements by officials present.

5. Statements by speakers with cards

6. Proposal to contact Burbank Mayor and transit officials regarding Chandler alignment

7. Adjournment

Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
Traffic, Public Transportation and Parking Committee

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6-8pm


Goldwyn-Hollywood Regional Branch Library
1623 N. Ivar Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90028
323 856-8260

Meeting was called to order at 6pm, and agreement was made that the meeting would take an informal structure, and was held as an open discussion. Present were the chair, Jon Hartmann, Michael Meyer, and Crystal Killian.
The discussion began with mention of the low attendance, and the participants agreed that there
was a common perception that there were no current “hot button” issues pending in transit. This perception was thought to be incorrect, because there are numerous developments in local mobility, and many major decisions on transit funding and route selection are being made at this time. Extension of the Gold Line, a rail line on Exposition, and the Orange bus line in the Valley were mentioned. The chair mentioned the need to connect the Red Line station in North Hollywood to the Burbank Junction of Metrolink and Amtrak on Chandler Boulevard. There was agreement that local media failed to inform the public on transit issues.
Crystal Killian, from the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation, distributed some materials from the “Operation Traffix” campaign. Discussion involved anecdotal references to anti-social driving technique, and there was agreement that as traffic congestion increases, instances of aggressive driving behavior can be expected. Jon Hartmann agreed to take materials from the “Watch the Road” program to his local school for distribution.
Michael Meyer discussed the impact of street closures on the Hollywood Boulevard corridor. Quality of life issues such as congestion, inconvenience, disruption and displacement were mentioned, as well as the trade off between the identity of Hollywood versus the lives of the residents.

