Meeting Date: 09/14/11 05:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: Las Palmas Senior Center 1820 Las Palmas Av, 90028


Emergency Services and Area 3 Committee – Joint Meeting
DATE:  Wednesday, September 14, 2011
LOCATION: Las Palmas Senior Center – 1820 N. Las Palmas, Hollywood 90028
TIME:  5 PM – 6:30 PM
I.) Call to Order
II.) Committee Announcements
III.) Pylons on Yucca: 
Discussion of street pylons located along Yucca Street at Las Palmas and Whitley intersections and the possible repair, replacement and safety concerns related to missing pylons. Angela Motta, Field Deputy from Council District 13 (Eric Garcetti) will be attending to hear your comments, ideas and concerns regarding the existing pylons.
Possible Motion and Vote.
IV.  The Jefferson 1724 Highland Ave  
Presentation by Tom McCarty – The McCarty Company LLC.  Discussion and possible Motion and Vote.
Application of three (3)  Conditional Use Beverage (CUB) permits for a full line of alcohol service from 7AM – 2AM in conjunction with three (3) new proposed restaurants with outdoor patio dining areas along the public sidewalk on Highland. Restaurants to be located at the ground floor of The Jefferson 1724 N. Highland Ave. The three restaurants would seat 473 patrons with 286 indoor seats and 112 outdoor patio seats and 34 on-site parking spaces would be designated for the restaurants use.
The case no. is ZA 2011-1956.  Click here to view rendering
VII.) Public Comment

Area 3 and Emergency Services – Joint Meeting

Minutes – September 14, 2011

Quorum established, 17 in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 5:06pm by Area 3 Chair Robin Moreno


Emergency Services Chair Valorie Keegan:  Area 3 is still experiencing theft from motor vehicles (car break-ins).   Please don’t leave items visible in your cars, share this information with your neighbors. Brief discussion. If it would be helpful to put up a notice at your building, we will get one to you.

Angela Motta, area field deputy representing councilmember Eric Garcetti 13th district:  –  We are trying a new valet pilot program south of Hollywood Blvd. If the program works well, CD 13 will look to implement the valet program in other areas of Hollywood.

1.) Pylons on Yucca St.:  Discussion and review with stakeholders, Angela Motta and LAPD area SLO Maggie Dillard: Pylons were originally installed for neighborhood safety, to prevent cruising.  Possible options – replace broken and missing pylons, remove pylons, better looking median alternative.  Vote 13-0  Pylons should stay along Yucca St and have broken pylons replaced until some type of better looking permanent median alternative could be installed. Angela Motta stated a candlestick type pylon would be the replacement of existing broken pylons and take about 6 weeks to have installed.

2.) The Jefferson 1724 Highland Ave: Tom McCarthy representing an undisclosed restaurant with property leasing representative Thor Lee said their plans had changed at this time and no longer three restaurants.  Only one (the north-east) space would move forward once new plans were completed.  Their original application case no. is ZA 2011-1956 is officially suspended, The Zoning Administrator (ZA) would only hear one restaurant at a time. Questions and concerns were brought up regarding restaurant use with patio dining on the public sidewalk within the Jefferson a mixed used residential building such as, parking/valet issue, noise, how would trash be handled, would the restaurant be ADA compliant, would there be security, how would the exiting of cars exit – would it be a left hand turn or right turn and how would it affect the community traffic and was the existing sidewalk wide enough to accommodate 10′ 11" of sidewalk dining in addition to pedestrians.  Tom and Thor had said that they would return and do a presentation once everything was in place. It was asked who the tenant would be in the restaurant and Tom felt that they did not want to answer that one until everything was finalized. 

Public comment: Stakeholder announced a new swap meet on Saturday at Hollywood High School

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
