Meeting Date: 10/01/14 06:00 PM

Meeting Type: Regular

Location: William & Ariel Durant Public Library

Details: The quorum for Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council Planning, Land Use & Management committee is three. Public comments on agenda items will be heard when the item is considered. Public comments on other matters within the committee's jurisdiction may be made during the Public Comment period. Public comments are limited to two minutes per speaker; That limit may be modified at the discretion of the committee. Speakers are requested to sign in at the meeting. Action may be taken on any agenda item except Public Comment, announcements and reports. You may request a copy of printed materials that are distributed at the meeting. You may record the meeting by audio, video or photographic means as long as it is not disruptive. Meeting notices and agendas are posted at the William and Ariel Durant Public Library and at the Fuller Ave. entrance to Runyon Canyon. If you need translation or accommodation for a disability, please call the city Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at least three business days in advance (213-978-1551, or toll-free 3-1-1). The city is a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you believe the council is not following the law or its own rules you may file a grievance in writing with copies to both the Chair and the Secretary. The HHWNC bylaws can be found at Please be respectful of others, even when you differ with them.


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Sept. 10, 2014, PLUM meeting minutes.

3. General updates from Issue Chairs and Chairman.

4. Discussion and possible action regarding the Plum Committee Plan of Action 2014-16 document shared by Cyd Zeigler at the previous HHWNC meeting. You can view that document here.

5. General discussion and public comment on key PLUM issues facing the HHWNC. Namely, what should be the top priorities of the PLUM Committee over the next 12 months? These could include specific proposed development projects or general issues. 

6. Discussion and possible action on forming task forces for the PLUM Committee to address key issues.

7. Public Comments. Comments from the public on agenda items and non-agenda items within the Committee's subject matter jurisdiction.

8. Adjournment.

The next HHWNC PLUM Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 6pm at the Durant Library.


Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council
PLUM Committee Meeting
Oct. 1, 2014
William & Ariel Durant Library
7140 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046
PLUM Committee attendees
Cyd Zeigler, PLUM Chair
Oren Katz, Business Chair
Jim Geoghan, Traffic Chair
HHWNC Board Member attendees
Brian Dyer, Area 3 Chair
Grant Wallensky, Area 6 Chair
Barbara Witkin, Area 7 Chair
Annie Gagen, Youth Chair
About 30 additional stakeholders were present
1. Call to order: 6:03
2. Review minutes from Sept. 10, 2014
Geoghan proposes to approve the minutes (Katz second). Approved.
3. General updates
No general updates
4. Plum committee plan of action
Zeigler reviews the proposed plan of action presented at the last HHWNC meeting.
Valorie Keegan wants to focus on state and city issues. Witkin wants the process to go through the PLUM eventually.
There should be a communication within two weeks between the area chairs and the applicant on all development applications. Area chairs must notify their shareholders in advance of meetings, which should have taken place within two months of receiving the application.
Dyer likes to get a notification from PLUM when his area need to pay attention to a development / issue. Witkin wants an index on the web site.
Suggestion to develop a Facebook page for our neighborhood council (POI: It exists at
All board members on board with the proposed plan of action.
5. General discussion on key issues facing the neighborhood
Survey developed by Housing Chair JoAnn Koplin distributed to get a snapshot of priorities for stakeholders.
Several stakeholders mentioned 7107 Hollywood Blvd.
Preservation issues, Traffic congestion issues, Height, Is there any affordable housing? Density, infrastructure concerns. Already very difficult to get cars out of neighboring buildings.
8150 sunset project concerns
Adara Salim spoke about height being a big concern. Is it proportional to the neighborhood?
Traffic, density bonus, concerns over EMS response time.
Witkin proposes to have a forum for stakeholders to discuss every large development – separate forum for each development.
Hollywood needs more LAPD on the streets. We need more police resources.
Gagen wants us to listen to the LAPD when they recommend a specific way for a decision in the committee. PLUM Committee has not always agreed with LAPD in the past.
Mary Prange says dark streets on Hollywood boulevard – needs more street lighting.  
Needs more water resources, and we need to fix the water infrastructure.
Jeff Papes: If we cannot sustain and maintain the city congestion now maybe we should not have more developments.
Keegan: City has employees to handle code enforcement. Agency from the city should be funded for 13 code enforcement officers by January.
Zeigler: The state and city officials want more congested cities by developers. According to them, this reduces carbon emissions and drives people into mass transit.
Keegan wants the neighborhood council to have more of a voice, to submit neighborhood impact letters, work with nearby neighborhood councils.
6. What solution ideas are there?
Create position paper, educate the stake holders. Coordinate with other neighborhood councils. We have been disconnected from our city leaders. Need to invite our city representatives to our neighborhood council meetings more often.
7. Public comments
Jeff Papes and Mary Prange are running for the HHWNC Infrastructure Chair position. Election is Oct. 15.
Hollywood community meeting on 10/21.
8.  Adjourn 7:55
