2111-2115 N. Cahuenga Blvd, which is in HHWNC’s area 3. The owner has filed a new application under the expedited processing case rules with a due date of September, 2, 2013, for permission to construct 18 condominium town homes on the site. It’s a tract map application looking for vesting approval as well as a variance to allow the project’s 4 guest parking spaces to be put on the lot which is zoned for single family occupancy.
The Planning Department’s case no. is VTT-Map no:72377-SL.The CEQA case no. is ENV-2013-2163-EAF.
The applicant/owner is a San Francisco based company called Encore Hollywood Associates, LLC, which can be reached at (415) 561-0600 and (424) 208-8460. No email contact was provided. The owners’ representative is Dominic Hung of TDA Consultants, who can be reached at (818) 429-6180 and dhong999@gmail.com.
*Back on December 5, 2012, during a public hearing at the Planning Department, a zoning administrator turned down an application for a new motel at the site.The site consists of two lots with different zoning.
Original Application
2111 Cahuenga Blvd.: a proposal to build a motel, which would contain 38 rooms in 4 stories and have 38 parking spaces.