With regard to the large vacant lots at 1824 and 1840 N.Highland Avenue, which are in HHWNC’s area 3, we received a copy of the notice that the Central Area Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on CIM’s appeal of the Planning Department’s decision to treat the proposed apartment building complex there as a “by right” case with just a site plan review, rather than putting it out for further environmental review under California’s CEQA. No environmental impact report was required.  
CIM has appealed the department’s decision, contending that the known earthquake faults under the site and the traffic impacts will require a greater environmental review than a site plan review in order to comply with CA CEQA.
The Planning Dept.’s case no. is DIR-2012-1957-SPR-1A. The CEQA case no. is ENV-2012-1958-MND. 
The hearing will be held on tuesday, October 22, 2013 on LA City Hall’s 10th floor after 4:30 p.m. The staff person to contact for additional information is Jennifer Karmels, who can be reached at (213) 978-1165 and Jennifer.Karmerls@lacity.org.