1421 N. Stanley is a vacant lot on Stanley on the block running south of Sunset Blvd. abutting Spaulding Square HPOZ located in HHWNC’s area 7.

Igal Azran filed an application with the City’s Planning Department on behalf of Noesis Stanley 1421 LLC to obtain approval for subdividing the lot into four parcels on a tentative tract map in order build a small lot subdivision consisting of four new three-story single homes with garages. The lot’s dimensions are 50′ x 125. The lot size is 6,279 square feet. The total proposed project size is 8,277 square feet.  The square footage of the four houses would range from 1,172 square feet to 1,911 square feet. The developer is intending to gate the entrance to the four houses from Stanley. According to the application, each home is anticipated to sell for $900,000+.
The application is asking for reduced front yard setbacks on Stanley and on the east side of each home.  On Stanley, a 5-foot wide dedication is contemplated, and the request is for a zoning administrator’s adjustment to permit a 10 foot wide front yard setback in lieu of the 15 feet which otherwise would be required. A taller height to 37 feet tall is also being requested from the 30 maximum allowed height. 
For the other three houses which are not directly facing Stanley, the application asks for a zoning administrator’s adjustment to permit 3 inch spaces in between the houses.
The application also asks for additional zoning administrator adjustments to permit reduced back yards from the 15 feet wide back yards which otherwise would be required. In this case, the back yards would be the western side of each house.  For the house directly on Stanley and the two other houses which also abut the northern lot line, the application asks for a reduction in the back yard width to 3 inches.  For the house which abuts the western lot line, the application asks for a reduction permitting a 5 foot wide back yard. 
Would this be adequate for fire fighting at this site in the event of a fire?
The Planning Department’s case nos. are AA-2013-2830-PMLA and ZA 2013-2968.
Mr. Azran’s contact information is (310) -855-3634 and [email protected] 
Daniela Bernhard t NE Designs Inc. is listed as the contact person for additional information.
Ms. Bernhard’s contact information is (818) 789-6439 and [email protected].